호흡기질환 송아지의 침술요법에 관한 연구

Studies on the Acupuncture Therapy for Respiratory Diseases in Calves

  • 조용성 (건국대학교 축산대학 수의학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.03.01


The present experiment was investigated to compare tretment effect of drug therapy, acupuncture therapy, the combination of acupuncture and drug therapy, and electro-acupuncture therapy using 152 calves with respiratory deseases. Among 20 cases of drug therapy group, 16 cases (80%) were recovered and 4 cases (20%) were ineffective. Among 28 cases using Su Qi in acupuncture therapy group, 21 cases using San Tai, An Bi and Fei Shu, 17 cases (72%) were available and 7 cases (28%) were unavailable. Among 28 cases of the combination group of acupuncture and drug therapy, 24 cases(86%) were recovered with the highest tretment effect in Su Qi and drug therapy. In addition, among 24 cases of the combination group of acupuncture and drug therapy, 20 cases(84%) were effective and 4 cases (16%) were ineffective with lower effective rate compared by Su Qi and drug therapy in San tai, An bi and Fei shu and drug therapy. And among electro-acupuncture group using Fei Shu $[left({\ominus}), right({\oplus})],$ 22 cases (82%) were effective and 6 cases (18%) were ineffective.



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