- Vet Res v.63 Lead poisoning in cattle and sheep Allcroft R
- J. Comp. Path & Therap v.60 Lead as a nutritional hazard to farm livestock. V. The toxicity of lead to cattle and sheep and evaluation of the lead hazard under farm conditions Allcroft R;Blaxter KL
- Am J Vet. Res v.33 Lead poisoning in cattle and horses following long-term exposure to lead Aronson AL
- Lead poisoning, Medicine Monographs Aub JC;Fairhall LT;Minot AS;Reznikoff P
- Vet. Rec. v.79 Lead poisoning in a litter of 5-week-old puppies Berry AP
- Arch. Environ. Health v.5 Storage and excretion of Pb in dogs Black SC
- J. Comp.path v.60 Lead as a nutritional hazard to farm livestock Ⅱ. The absorption and excretion of lead by sheep abd rabbits Blaxter KL
- Veterinary medicine(3rd ed.) Blood DC;Hondersn JA
- Vet. Med v.44 Lead poisoning in dogs Bond E;Kubin R
- Vet. Rec v.49 Lead poisoning in pigs Bywater HE
- J. Pharmacol. & Exptl. Therap v.64 The chronic effects on dogs of feeding diets containing lead acetate, lead arsenate, and arsenic trioxide in varing concentrations Calvery HO;Laug EP;Morris HJ
- Sience v.177 Lead poisoning : rapid formation of intranuclear inclusions Choie DD;Richter GW
- Veterinary Clinical pathology (4th ed.) Coles EH
- J Anim Sci v.37 Effect of subclinical lead intake on calves Dinius DA;Brusfield TH;Willeans EE
- New Zealand Vet v.4 Clinical lead poisoning in the dogs Dodd DC;Staples EL
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.148 Chronic lead poisoning in a cow Donawick WJ
- Mod Vet Prac v.43 Management of acute lead poisoning in dogs Estrada E.
- Textbook of veterinary internal medicine(4th ed.) Ettiger SJ;Feldman EC
- Am Heart J v.24 The effect of chronic lead poisoning on arterial pressure in dogs Farts P;Page J
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.108 Lead poisoning of cattle Fenstermacher R;Pomeroy BS;Roepke MH;Boyd WL
- J. Occup. Med v.7 Lead poisoning and the fall of Roms Gilfillan SC
- Amer J Pathol v.64 A problem in environmental pathology Goyer RA;Lead toxicity
- Ann. New York Acad. Sci v.111 Lead poisoning in cattle and horse in the vicinity of a smelter Hammond PB;Aronson AL
- Exper. Sta. Tech. Bull A method for the detection of lead in bovine blood and liver. Univ. of Minnesota Agric Hammond PH;Wright HN;Roepke MH
- Arch Environ Healt v.21 δ-am-inolevulinic acid dehydrase as a measure of lead exposure Hernberge S;Nikkaman J;Mellin G;Lilius H
- J. Pharmacol. & Exptl. Therap v.66 The effect of ingested lead on the organism Horwitt MK;Cowegill GR
- J Nutr v.105 Interactions of dietary calcium with toxic levels of lead and zinc in pigs Hsu FS;Krook L;Pond WG;Duncan JR
- Veterinary pathology(5th ed.) Jones TC;Hunt RD
- New Engl. J Med v.276 Lead in hair of chicken with chronic lead poisoning Kapito L;Byers RK;Shwachman H
- Arch. Environ. Health v.8 Normal metabolism of lead Kehoe RA
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.162 Chronic lead poisoning in horses Knight HD;Burau RG
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.168 Lead poisoning in dogs at the University of Pannsylvania Veterinary Hospital Kowalazyk DF
- Tijdschr. diergenee v.82 Necrotic myelopathy in lead poisoning in a dog Kramer W.
- 대한수의학회지 v.32 산양의 실험적 납중독에 관한 임상병리학적 관찰 Ⅰ. 임상학적 관찰(증상, 혈액,뇨) 권오덕;이현범;이주묵;채준석
- 대한수의학회지 v.33 산양의 실험적 납중독에 관한 임상병리학적 관찰 Ⅱ. 조직내 무기질함량 분석 및 병리해부학적 관찰 권오덕;이현범
- Lead encephalopathy in suckling rats. An electromicroscopic study. In brian edema Lempert P;Garro F; Penschew;Klatza, I.(ed.);Secleberger, F.(ed.)
- North Am. Vet v.29 Lead poisoning as a cause of fits in dogs Lieberman LL
- Am. J. Vet. Res v.27 Lead poisoning as a cause of fits in dogs Lieberman LL
- J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc v.155 Bovine polioencephalomalacia, infectious embolic meningoencephalitis and acute lead poisoning in feedlot cattle Little PB;Sorensen DK
- Cand. J. Comp. Med. & Vet. Sci v.4 Lead poisoning of dog Mitchell CA
- Cand. J. Comp. Med. & Vet. Sci v.23 Lead poisoning in a dog Oliver WT;Gecb LW;Sorrell B
- Lead encephalo-myelopathy of the suckling rat and its implications on the porphyrinopathic nervous disease Pentschow A;Garro F
- J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc v.128 Lead poisoning in a dog Pettit GD;Holm LW;Rushworth WE
- Environ. Health Perspect. Exp. v.7 Rosen JF;Trinidad EE
- Vet. Res v.75 Lead poisoning in small animals Scott HM
- J. Lab. Clin. Med v.76 Experimental enhancement of lead toxicity by low dietary calcium Six KM;Goyer RA
- Experimental lead poisoning in dogs v.3 Experimental lead poisoning in dogs Staples ELJ
- Arch, Pathol v.95 Experimental oral lead toxicity in young dogs Stowe HD;Goyer RA;Krigman MM;Wilson M;Cates M
- Trace elements in human and animal nutrition(4th ed.) Underwood EJ
- Brit. J. Industr. Med v.26 A simple method for the quantitative analysis of urinary delta-am-inolevulinic acid to evaluate lead absorption Wada O;Toyokawa K;Urata G
- Brit, J. Industr. Med v.23 The anemia of lead poisoning : A review Waldron HA
- Can. J. Comp. Med v.36 Lead and zinc poisoning and the interaction between Pb and Zn poisoning in the foal Willoughby RA;McDonald E;McSheery BJ
- Vet. Rec v.75 Lead poisoning in dogs Wilson MR;Lewis G
- Vet. Pathol v.9 The pathologic anatomy of lead poisoning in dogs Zook BC
- Clin. Toxicol v.6 Lead intoxication in urban dogs Zook BC
- J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc v.155 Lead poisoning in dogs Zook BC;Carpenter JL;Leeds EB
- Am. J. Vet. Res v.33 Lead poisoning in dogs : Occurrence, source, clinical pathology and eletroencephalography Zook BC;Carpenter JL;Roberts RM
- Am. J. Vet. Res v.33 no.5 Lead poisoning in dogs : Analysis of blood, urine,hair and liver for lead Zook BC;Kapito L;Capenter JL;Gramer DV;Schwachman H
- J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc v.157 Basophilic stippling of erythrocytes in dogs with special feference to lead poisoning Zook BC;McConnell BS;Gilmore CE