개의 성대수술 후 발성음의 음성학적 분석

Spectrographic Analysis of the Sound After Vocal Cordectomy in Dogs

  • 발행 : 1997.03.01


This study eas conducted to assess the spectrographic analysis agter vocal cordectomy in which procedures included biopsy punch per os, laryngofissure and lactic acid injection to the vocal cord. There were significant difference in dominant frequency(DF) of spectrograms between normal and all surgical procedures for vocal cordectomy at 1 day (p<0.01). Vocal cordectomy(laryngofissure) revealed significant differences in minimum frequency of call (MIFC) and DF during the period of observation after surgery (p<0.01). In lactic acid injextion group, there were also significant differences in DF and maximum frequency of call (MAFC) variables (p<0.01).



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