New Method of Computing the Stokes Drift Including Shear Effect in the Cross-Sectional Flow Field

유수단면 흐름장에서 Shear 효과를 갖는 Stokes Drift의 계산법

  • Published : 1997.03.01


Stokes drift(SD) and Lagrangian discharge(LD) are important factors for analysis of flushing time, tidal exchange, solute transport and pollutant dispersion. The factors should be calculated using the approached method to flow phenomena. The aim of this paper re-examines the previous procedures for computing the SD and LD, and is to propose the new method approached to stratified flow field in the cross-section of coastal region, e.g. Masan Bay. The intensity of velocity near the bottom boundary layer(BBL) depends on the sea-bed irregularity in the coastal estuaries. So we calculated the depth mean velocity(DMV) considering that of BBL omitted in Kjerfve's calculation method. It revealed that BBL effect resulting in application of the bay acts largely on DMV in half more among 1l stations. The new expression of SD and LD per unit width in the cross-section using the developed DMV and proposed decomposition procedure of current were derived as follow : $$Q=u_0+\frac{1}{2}H_1{U_1cos(\varphi_h-\varphi_u)+U_3cos(\varphi_h-\varphi{ud})} LD ED SD$(Q_{skim}+Q_{sk2}) The third term, $Q_{sk2}$, on the right-hand of the equation is showed newly and arise from vertical oscillatory shear. According to the results applied in 3 cross-sections including 11 stations of the bay, the volume difference between proposed and previous SD was founded to be almost 2 times more at some stations. But their mean transport volumes over all stations are 18% less than the previous SD. Among two terms of SD, the flux of second term, $Q_{skim}$, is larger than third term, $Q_{sk2}$, in the main channel of cross-section, so that $Q_{skim}$ has a strong dependence on the tidal pumping, whereas third term is larger than second in the marginal channel. It means that $Q_{sk2}$ has trapping or shear effect more than tidal pumping phenomena. Maximum range of the fluctuation in LD is 40% as compared with the previous equations, but mean range of it is showed 11% at all stations, namely, small change. It mean that two components of SD interact as compensating flow. Therefore, the computation of SD and LD depend on decomposition procedure of velocity component in obtaining the volume transport of temporal and spacial flow through channels. The calculation of SD and LD proposed here can separate the shear effect from the previous SD component, so can be applied to non-uniform flow condition of cross-section, namely, baroclinic flow field.



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