• 발행 : 1997.06.01


The results of a restricted numerical simulation for the color gradients within globular clusters have been presented. The standard luminosity function of M3 and Salperter's initial mass functions were used to generate model clusters as a fundamental population. Color gradients with the sample clusters for both King and power law cusp models of surface brightness distributions are discussed in the case of using the standard luminosity function. The dependence of color gradients on several parameters for the simulations with Salpter's initial mass functions, such as slope of initial mass functions, cluster ages, metallicities, concentration parameters of King model, and slopes of power law, are also discussed. No significant radial color gradients are shown to the sample clusters which are regenerated by a random number generation technique with various parameters in both of King and power law cusp models of surface brightness distributions. Dynamical mass segregation and stellar evolution of horizontal branch stars and blue stragglers should be included for the general case of model simulations to show the observed radial color gradients within globular clusters.



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  14. ASPCS v.13 The Formation and Evolution of Star Clusters Djorgovski, S.;Piotto, G.;Mallen-Ormelas, G.;K. Janes(ed.)
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  16. Dynamics of Dense Stellar Systems Djorgovski, S.;Piiotto, G.;King, I. R.;D. Merritt(ed.)
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  18. ASPCS v.48 The Globular Cluster Galaxy Connection Durrell, P. R.;Harris, W. E.;G. H. Smith(ed.);J. P. Brodie(ed.)
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  24. ASPCS v.13 The Formation and Evolution of Star Clusters Lugger, P. M.;Cohn, H. N.;Grindlay, J. E.;Bailyn, C. D.;Hertz, P. L.;;K. Janes(ed.)
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  27. ASPCS v.13 The Formation and Evolution of Star Clusters Piotto, G.;K. Janes(ed.)
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