A Study on the Influencing Factors of Macrountrient Concentrations in Human Milk

모유의 주요 영양소 농도에 영향을 주는 요인에 관한 연구

  • 이민준 (연세대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1997.07.01


This study was conducted longitudinally following the total nitrogen , total lipid, and lactose concentrations and their factors on concentrations of energy-yielding nutrients in human milk from 2-5 days to 12 weeks postpartum of 45 lactating Korean mothers. All samples were from well-defined subjects. And uniform collection procedures were used . Total nitrogen concentration of milk decreased significantly from 385mg/이 at 2-5 days to 201mg/dl at 12 weeks postpartum. Total lipid concentration increased from 1.98g/dl at 2-5 days to 3.09g/dl at 12 weeks postpartum. However, there was a large variation in the concentration of total lipids. Lactose concentration increased signifciantly from 6.53g/dl at 2-5 days to 7.48g/dl at 12 weeks. Total nitrogen concentration in milk was positively related to pregnancy weight gains at 2 and 6 weeks postpartum. Total lipid concentration was positively related to infant birth weight : however, it was negatively related to the maternal weight loss. In addition, total lipid concentration was positively related to parity and maternal percentage body fat at 12 weeks postpartum. Milk lactose concentration was positively related to parity at 2 weeks postpartum.



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