노인의 영양상태에 미각변화가 미치는 영향

Effect of Age-related Changes in Taste Perception on Dietary Intake in Korean Elderly

  • 김화영 (이화여자대학교 가정과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


This study was performed to investigate the change in taste perception during aging and its effects on dietary intake in Korean elderly. The subjects were female aged 65 through 90 in the Anyang area, and college women were included as a comparison group . Dietary intake of the elderly(n=155) and young subjects (n=38) was measured by a 3 day diet record. The taste threshold and 'just right' concentrations(JRC) for sweet and salty tastes were assessed by sensory evaluation . Sucrose solution (0.0.,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0, 1.2%) and salt solution(0, 0.02, 0.03,0.06,0.09,0.12,0.15%) were used to establish thresholds. for JRC assessment, four suprathreshold sucrose concentrations of 5, 8, 11 and 14% in orange-pineapple flavored juice and salt concentrations of 0.20, 0.34, 0.50and 0.75% in beef stock were prepared. Mean intakes of energy, protein , vitamin A, thiamin , riboflavin, niacin ,calcium and iron of the elderly were below the Korean Recommended Dietary allowances. The elderly showed higher taste thresholds than young subjects of both sweet and salty tastes consumed less calories. Needs to bespecified. The older subjects having high threshold or JRCs for sweet and salty tastes consumed fewer calories from protein and fat. Pearson correlation coefficients was between JRC for sweet and salty tastes 0.54(p<0.01). The correlation coefficients between tastes threshold and nutrient intakes were very low for both age groups. Unlike the college women, in the elderly the JRC of sweet taste of the orange-pineapple juice were negatively correlated with intakes of energy, protein, fats, thiamin , riboflavin , niacin ,vitamin C , iron and consumption of meat and egg food groups (p<0.01). In summation age-related alterations in sweet and salty taste perception were observed in the elderly and dietary intakes of the elderly see to be influenced by these taste perception changes.



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