철분의 과잉섭취시 셀레늄 섭취수준이 철분과잉 축적에 대한 예방효과에 관한 연구

Preventive Effect of Selenium Supplementation on Iron Accumulation of Rats Fed Diets Containing High Levels of iron

  • 전예숙 (충남산업대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.04.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of selenium supplementation of iron accumulation of rats fed diets containing high levels or iron. Sixty male Sprague-Dawley weaning rats were fed with diets containing various levels of iron(adequate : 35ppm, 2-fold : 70ppm, 4-fold : 140ppm) and selenium(adequat : 0.05ppm and high : 0.05ppm) for 12 weeks. Feed intakes of 2-fold and 4-fold iron groups were higher than that of adequate iron group. There was no difference body weight gain across iron and selenium containing diet groups. Hemoglobin level was increasd with iron increment and decreased with selenium supplementation. Iron contents in serum and tissues were increased as iron intake was increased. Liver iron content was decreased with selenium supplementation. Selenium content in liver was decreased with iron increment and increased with selenium supplementation. In the case of iron balance, iron excretion through urine and feces was significantly increased as iron intake was increased. However, apparent absorbability and retention rate of iron were not significantly affected by dietary iron or selenium.



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