New Weighting Functions for the Modified CIELAB Colour-Difference Formulae

수정 CIELAB 색차식을 위한 새로운 색차 가중 함수

  • 김동호 (한국색채연구소 색채표준화연구)
  • Published : 1997.12.01


The lightness, chroma and hue tolerances with respect to the standard colour position in the CIELAB space have been studied in detail using the various existing data sets and the set form this study. The lightness tolerance showed a clear dependency upon the metric lightness for medium to light colour, but in the case of dark colours there was a discrepancy between the data sets. Both the chroma and hue tolerances showed dependency upon both the chroma and hue-angle and not the single dependency upon the metric chroma, as assumed in the CIE94 formula. New weighting functions were derived from the above experimental evidence, and finally a new formula, LCD(Leeds Colour Difference) was proposed. The LCD formula is nearly as simple and flexible as CIE94 but smoothes the individual weighting functions, especially for lightness tolerances for light colours and chromaticity discrimination near the blue region.



  1. Industrial Colour-Difference Evaluation CIE Publ. No.116
  2. J. Soc. Dyers Col. v.103 F.J.J.Clarke;R.McDonald;B.Rigg
  3. Standard for Quantifying Small Color Differences for Textile Materials ISO 105-J05
  4. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Leeds D.H.Kim
  5. J. Soc. Dyers. Col. v.103 no.86 M.R.Luo;B.Rigg
  6. J. Soc. Dyers Col. v.97 E.Coates;K.Y.Fong;B.Rigg
  7. Color Res. Appl. v.16 R.S.Berns;D.H.Alman;L.Reniff;G.D.Snyder;M.R. Balonon-Rosen
  8. Color Res. Appl. v.11 M.R.Luo;B.Rigg
  9. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Bradford M.R.Luo
  10. Color Res. Appl. v.14 D.H.Alman;R.S.Berns;G.D.Snyder;W.A.Larsen
  11. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Bradford M.Cheung
  12. 7th Cong. AIC COLOUR 93 v.B R.S.Berns
  13. J. Soc. Dyers Col. v.113 T.Sato;N.Takada;M.Ueda;T.Nakamura;M.R.Luo