Non-Destructive Test for Tunnel Lining Using Ground Penetrating Radar

지하레이다(GPR)를 이용한 터널 라이닝 비파괴시험에 관한 연구

  • 김영근 ((주)대우건설기술연구소) ;
  • 이용호 ((주)대우건설기술연구소,) ;
  • 정한중 ((주)대우건설기술연구소, 토목연구실장) ;
  • 신상범 ((주) 아주지오엔지니어링, 조사진단부) ;
  • 조철현 (지하기술정보, 대표)
  • Published : 1997.12.01


It is necessary to estimate the soundness of tunnel using non-destructive tests(NDT) for effective repairs and maintenances. But, the state of tunnel lining could not be investigated using previous non-destructive techniques, due to the various types of support and accessibility only from one side in tunnel lining. Recently, the various non-destructive techniques such as ground penetrating radar(GPR) have been researched and developed for inspection of tunnel lining. In this study, the usefulness and applicability of GPR test in tunnel lining inspection has been investigated through model tests and tunnel site application. This paper described the tunnel lining inspection for lining thickness, cavity and support using GPR test. From the results of tests, we have concluded that GPR test are very useful and effective techniques to look into the interior of lining and measure the lining thickness.



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