창조적 사고체계로서의 실내디자인 과정에 관한 연구

A Study on the Interior Design Process as Creativite Thinking

  • 이선민 (신흥전문대학 실내장식과)
  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


A study was performed for combination active process between the academical theory and practical design process based on creative thinking process in interior desigv. At first, it was investigated the concepts and characteristics of creativity combined with creativite process of thinking, and also scientific and art characteristics on interior design to be educated together with logical and esthetical concepts required for creative thinking process. In reference with above process, it was systematically established stepwise process of interior design with creative thinking system. As a resualt, creativity in interior design could develop a unique design process combined informations about knowledge and experiences with actual acquirements by individual's experiences. So interior design could be approachable and developed with open-mind and consistently scientific methodology. Also creativity power of interior design could be solved by strategic knowledge acquired by practical experiences and problem solving capability in special branches. Like this, all design activities, including interior design, would be accomplished theoretical background and actual design process under the concepts of practical intension and use. So it would be made creative products by means of detail adapation process based on the theoretical atmosphere, therefore it'll be strongly based on the hardnessing of theoretical value and power. Theory for design process referred to environmental concepts, so including interior design, would not be terminated as for theoretical concepts but be responsible for future of well-developed design by accomplishment of various design adaption method for practical purpose and objectives.



  1. 현대건축 사고론 길성호
  2. 이대 석사 학위논문 이미지체계로서의 실내환경과 그 표현과정에 관한 연구 김아미
  3. 디자인의 이해 민경우
  4. 디자인 학회 연구논문 디자인 사고 과정의 인지과학적 해석 박영목;이동연 공저
  5. The design concept 알렌 허버트;손의식(역)
  6. 조형심리 오미겐타로;권민(역)
  7. 디자인 사고와 방법 우홍룡
  8. 디자인 방법론 연구 임연웅
  9. 건축 디자인 이론 전영일;이한석 공저
  10. 이대 석사학위논문 창조적 환경디자인을 위한 직관적 접근방법 및 과정에 관한 연구 하신혜
  11. 입체 조형 한석우
  12. 디자이너의 사고방법 Bryan Lawson;윤장섭(역)
  13. 건축이론의 창조 Jon Lang;조철희;김경준(공역)
  14. Architectural Composition Rib Krier;진경돈;박종호(공역)
  15. 디자인 프로세스 Sam F.Miller;김용규(역)