이산화탄소의 항균 효과

Antimicrobial Effect of Carbon Dioxide on Microorganisms

  • 홍석인 (한국식품개발연구원) ;
  • 변유량 (연세대학교 생명공학과 및 생물산업소재연구센터)
  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


Corbon dioxide id effective for extending the shelf-life of perishable foods by retarding microbial growth. The overall effect of carbon dioxide is to increase both the lag phase and generation time of microorganisms. However, the role of carbon dioxide in affecting the growth and metabolism of any given microorganisms is not clear yet, although its inhibitory effect is generally found at moderate to high concentrations. Systematic studies of the effects of carbon dioxide on microorganisms are therefore warranted. It is also necessary to understand the role of carbon dioxide in the preservation of foods as well as the control by carbon dioxide of fermentations of biotechnological importance. In this review, the antimicrobial effect of carbon dioxide on microorganisms is investigated in terms of its gas and solution properties, inhibition of microbial growth and specific metabolic processes, perturbation of membrane structure.



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