$\alpha$-Linolenic Acid가 농축된 들깨지방산 에스테르에 대한 참깨 Lignan 물질의 항산화효과

Antioxidant Effect of Sesame Lignans on $\alpha$-Linolenic Acid-Concentrated Perilla Fatty Acid Esters

  • 정보영 (경상대학교 식품과학과 및 해양산업연구소) ;
  • 류수노 (농촌진흥청 작물시험장) ;
  • 허한순 (농촌진흥청 작물시험장)
  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


Antioxidant effect of several antioxidative components on the high purity $\alpha$-linolenic acid(HALA; ALA, 78.1%) ethyl ester concentrated from perilla oil were investigated by measuring weight-gains and peroxide value(POV) during storage at 5$0^{\circ}C$, 23$^{\circ}C$ and 4$^{\circ}C$. Amounts of antioxidant components were 0.2g/kg HALA ethyl ester for sesamin, sesangolin and butylated hydroxytolune(BHT), and 0.1g/kg for sesamol and 100g/kg for ether extracts from perilla seed. The oxidative stability of HALA ethyl ester was particularly increased by adding sesamol, ether extracts and BHT, but sesamin and sesangolin scarcely showed an antioxidant effect. POV on the HALA ethyl ester added sesamol and ether extract was less than 15.0meq/kg by 9 weeks of storage at 23$^{\circ}C$. However, in the case of low temperature storage at 4$^{\circ}C$, all the samples estimated showed less than 7.0meq/kg in POV by 5 months. Consequently, sesamol and ether extracts were recognized as available antioxidant components on the HALA ethyl ester from perilla oil.



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