- 농업논문집('94농업산학협동) v.37 순쌀빵 가공기술개발과 가공적성 관련 이화학적 특성 구명 강미영
- Cereal Sci. Today v.16 A simplified assay for milled rice amylose Juliano, B O.
- J Sci. Food Agric. v.24 A gel consistency test for eating quality of rice Cagampang, G. B.;Perez, C. M.;Juliano, B. O.
- 미질의 검정평가 방법. 작물품종개량 육종 최해춘
- Proceedings of the workshop on chemical aspects of rice grain quality Sensory assessment of cooked milled rice Del Mundo, A. M.
- 茨大農學報告 v.38 炊飯後の時間經過に伴ラ飯の微細構造の變化 松田智明;大友雅子;長南信雄
- J. Jpn. Soc. Starch Sci. v.30 Structural studies on retrograded normal and waxy corn starches Matsumura, U.;Matsunaga, A.;Kainuma, K.
- Starch v.35 Retrogradation of some starch mixtures Rosario, R. R.;Pontiveros, C. R.
- Carbohydr. Res. v.135 The roles of amylose and amylopectin in the gelation and retrogradation of starch Miles, M. J.;Morris, V. J.;Orford, P. D.;Ring, S. G.
- J. Jpn. Soc. Starch Sci. v.32 Relationship between the molecular structures and retrogradation properties of taproka, potato and kuzu starches Suzuki, A.;Takeda, Y.;Hizukuri, S
- Starch v.35 Retrogradation of starch in cooked wheat Jakowski, T.;Rha, C. K.
- Cereal Chem v.63 The role of water in the retrogradation of wheat starch gels and bread crumb Zelenznak, K J.;Hoseney, R C
- Starch v.44 Comparison and thermal and viscoelastic properties of four waxy starches and the effect of added surfactant Gudmundsson, M.;Eliasson, A. C.
- Cereal Chem. v.67 Effect of soluble lipids on the retrogradation of cooked rice Hibi, Y.;Kitamura, S.;Kuge, T.
- J. Agric Food Chem v.39 Effect of soluble sugars on gelatinization and retrogradation of sweel potato starch Kohyama, K.;Nishinari, K.
- J. Jpn. Soc Starch Sci. v.28 New enzyme system -β-amylase-pullula-nase-to determine the degree of gelatinization and retrogradation of starch or starch products Kamuma, K.;Matsunaga, A.;Itagawa, M.;Kobayashi, S.
- Starch v.42 Enzymatic evaluation for the degree of starch retrogaration in food and foodstuffs Tsuge, H;Hishida, M.;Iwasaki, H.;Watanabe, S.;Goshima, G.