한국인의 식이섬유 섭취 실태

Dietary Fiber Intake of Korean

  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


According to the data published in 1990s on the intake of dietary fiber(DF) of Korean, DF intake of Korean has been gradually decreasing in the last two decades. Mean daily intake of DF in 1990s is estimated to be in the rage of 17-20g per capita and over seventy five percent of the subjects examined appeared to consume DF less than 20g per day. The major food sources of Df in Korean diet include cereals, vegetables, fruits, seaweeds and seasonings. The present level of DF intake of Korean is lower than the tentatively recommended minimum intake of DF. It is predicted that, if the present trend of change on food consumption pattern is maintained, the gradual increases in the incidence of chronic degenerative diseases will be continuing. Therefore, the beneficial effects of DF on health care and disease control should be emphasized through the nutritional education and high level consumption of DF needs to be strongly recommended in the dietary guideline. In order to raise the daily consumption of DF, more whole grain cereals need to be used as a part of staple and more frequent intake of legumes and seaweeds is required as well as the development of high-fiber diet recipes and natural high-fiber products.



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