1997년도에 명명된 우리나라 육종벼 신품종 및 유망계통에 대한 년도 및 지역별 도열병 발생정도

Incidences of Rice Blast on New Rice Cultivars released in 1997 and Some Elite Lines Observed at Different Locations and in Different Years in Korea

  • 발행 : 1997.04.01


Incidence of rice blast on new rice cultivars and elite lines was observed from 194 to 1996 in Icheon, Chuncheon, Jecheon and Naju areas. The observations were made in the nuseries and in the fields. In the nurseries, only cultivars Daesanbyeo and Hyangmibyeo 2 showed moderate levels of resistance to leaf blast, with the disease index 0 to 6. From the field observations, it was found that cultivars Hyangmibyeo 2 and Suwon 414 were highly resistant to leaf blast, but susceptible to neck blast. the fields, leaf blast was not observed. In general, there was great yearly and regional variation in the incidence of neck blast within the same cultivars, some times ranging from 0 to 100% of incidence. However, the range of fluctuation in the disease incidence were relatively small in the cultivars Daejinbyeo (0∼17.5%), Daesanbyeo (0∼4.0%), Donganbyeo (0∼21.4%) and Hwasambyeo (0∼13.9%). Hyangmibyeo 2 and Seojinbyeo were rarely infected with neck blast in Chuncheon and Naju all of the years, the same cultivars were severely infested with neck blast; 45.1 and 45.5%, respectively, in Jecheon in 1995. The occurrence of different races of rice blast fungus were different at different areas. However, it was found that in Icheon, Chuncheon, Jecheon and Naju areas, the dominant races were KI-409, KJ-201 and KJ-301.
