유묘 뿌리썩음병 진전에 따른 이산재배 토양의 유별

Grouping the Ginseng Field Soil Based on the Development of Root Rot of Ginseng Seedlings

  • 박규진 (한국인삼연초연구원 경작시험장) ;
  • 박은우 (서울대학교 농업생명과학대학 농생물학과) ;
  • 정후섭 (서울대학교 농업생명과학대학 농생물학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.02.01


Disease incidence (DI), pre-emergence damping-off (PDO), days until the first symptom appeared (DUS), disease progress curve (DPC), and area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) were investigated in vivo after sowing ginseng seeds in each of 37 ginseng-cultivated soils which were sampled from 4 regions in Korea. Non linear fitting parameters, A, B, K and M, were estimated from the Richards' function, one of the disease progress models, by using the DI at each day from the bioassay. Inter- and intra-relationships between disease variables and stand-missing rate (SMR) in fields were investigated by using the simple correlation analysis. Disease variables of the root rot were divided into two groups: variables related to disease incidence, e.g., DI, AUDPC and A parameter, and variables related to disease progress, e.g., B, K and M parameters. DI, AUDPC, and DUS had significant correlations with SMR in ginseng fields, and then it showed that the disease development in vivo corresponded with that in fields. Soil samples could be separated into 3 and 4 groups, respectively, on the basis of the principal component 1 (PC1) and the principal component 2 (PC2), which were derived from the principal component analysis (PCA) of Richards' parameters, A, B, K and M. PC1 accounted for B, K and M parameters, and PC2 accounted for A parameter.
