- J. Appl. Phys. v.46 no.9 Growth Morphology and Surface-acoustic-wave Measurements of AIN films on Sapphire J.K. Liu;K.M. Lakin;K.L. Wang
- Appl. Phys. Lett. v.36 no.8 Low-Temperature Growth of Piezoelectric AIN film by rf REactive Planar Magnetron Sputtering T. Shiosaki;T. Yamamoto;T. Oda;A. Kawabata
- Appl. Phys. Lett. v.39 no.11 Alu-Minum Nitride on Silicon surface Acoustic wave Devices L.G. Pearce;R.L. Gunshor;R.F. Pierret
- IEEE Trans. Sonic Ultrason. v.SU-32 no.5 Zero-temperature-coefficient SAW Devices on AIN Epitaxial Films K. Tsubouchi;N. Mikoshiba
- Proc. 1993 IEEE Ultrason. Symp. Piezoelectric AIN film for SAW Devices Application C. Caliendo;G. Saggio;P. Verardi;E. Verona
- Appl. Phys. Lett. v.64 no.2 Preparation of Aluminum Nitride thin Films by REactive Sputtering and their Application to GHz-band Surface Acoustic wave Devices H. Okano;N. Tanaka;Y. Takahashi;T. Tanaka;K. Shibata;S. Nakano
- Proc. 1996 IEEE Ultrason. Symp. SAW Characteristics of AIN Films Deposited on Various Substrates Using ECR Plasma Enganced CVD and Reactive RF Sputtering J.W. Soh;W.J. Lee;J.H. Park;S.W. Lee
- J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A. v.15 no.12 Characteristics of Hydrogenated Aluminum Nitride Films Prepared by Radio Frequency Squttering and their Application to Surface Acoustic wave Devices Y.J. Yong;J.Y. Lee
- Appl. Phys. Lett. v.59 no.17 Epitaxial Growth of Alumium Nitride on Si(111) by Reactive Sputtering W.J. Meng;J. Heremans;Y.T. Cheng
- Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. v.22 no.3 High-energy Particles in AIN Film Preparation by Reactive Sputtering Technique K. Tominaga;S. Iwamura;Y. Shintani;O. Tada
J. Am. Ceram. Soc.
Influence of Substrate Temperature on Physical Structure of AIN thin Films Prepared on Polycrystalline
$MoS0i_2$ by rf Mahnetron Sputtering M. Akiyama;H.R. Kokabu;K. Nonaka;K. Shobu;T. Watanabe - Proc. MRD symp. v.200 Ferroelectric films-growth. Properties and Applications M.H. Francombe;S.V. Krishnaswamy
- IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tehcniques v.41 no.6/7 Z-band thin Film Acoustic Filters on GaAs R.B. Stokes;J.D. Crawford
- Proc. 1993 IEEE MTT-S Digest High Q Microwave Acoustic Resonators and Filters K.M. Lakin;G.R. Kline;K.T. McCarron
- Thin Solid Films v.154 Intrinsic Stress in AIN Prepared by Dual-ion-beam Sputtering H, Windischmann
- J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A. v.4 no.6 Material Selection for Hard Coatings H. Holleck
- J. Appl. Phys. v.78 no.9 Groeth of Epitaxial AIN (0001) on Si (111) by Reactive Magnetron Sputter Deposition I. Ivanov;L. Hultman;K. Jarrendahl;P.M. rtenssonl;J.E. Sundgren;B. Hjorvarsson;J.E. Greene
- J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A. v.4 Reactively Sputtered AIN Films for GaAs Annealing Caps G. Este;R. Surridge;W.D. Westwood
- J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A. v.5 no.4 Stress Control in Reactively Sputtered AIN and TiN Films G. Este;W.D. Westwood
- J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A. v.7 no.3 Stress Dependence of Ractively Sputtered Aluminum Nitride thin Films on Sputteriing Parameters G.L. Huffman;D.E. Fahnline;R. Messier;L.J. Pilione
- Appl. Phys. Lett. v.39 no.8 Colorless, Transparent, C-oriented Aluminum Nitride Films Frown at low Temperature by a Modified Sputter Gun S. Onishi;M. Eschwei;S. Bielaczy;W.C. Wang
- J. Mater. Res. v.12 no.7 Development of Preferred Orientation in Polycrystalline AIN thin Films Deposited by rf Sputtering System at low Temperature A. Rodr guez-Navarro;W. Ota o-Rivera;J.M. Gar a Ruiz;R. Messier;L.J. Pilione
- J. Vac. Sci. Tehcnol. A. v.4 no.6 The Microstructure of Sputter-deposited Coatings J.A. Thornton
- J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A. v.2 no.2 Revised Structure zone Model for thin Film Physical Structure R. Messier;A.P. Giri;R.A. Roy
J. Crystal Gowth
Control of Preferred Orientation for
$ZnO_x$ Films: Contral of Self-texture N. Fyjimura;T. Nihihara;S. Goto;J. Xu;T. Ito