- 산업미생물학회지 v.20 김치발효 중의 젖산균의 경시적 변화 및 분리 젖산균의 동정 이철우;고창영;하덕모
- 제8회 국제학술심포지움 유산균과 건강 한국유산균 연구회
- 1993년 학술 세미나 김치의 효능 김치연구회
- FEMS Microbial Rev. v.87 Health and nutritional benefits from lactic acid bacteria Gilliland,S.E.
- 1993년도 김치연구회 학술세미나 건강음식으로서의 김치의 효능 장지현
- Biochemie v.70 Bacteriocins of lactic acid bacteria Klaenhammer,T.R.
- Bioscience and Industry v.51 Immune activators from foods orginc Ametani,A.;S.Kaminogawa
- Can.J.Microbiol. v.39 Detection and characterization of a bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus plantarum C19 Atrih,A.;N.Rekhif;J.B.Milliere;G.Lefebvre
- J. Ind. Microbiol. v.12 Bacteriocin production of Leuconostoc carnosum LA54A at different combination of pH and temperature Geisen,R.;B.Becker;W.H.Holzapfel.
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.59 The assumed assimilation of cholesterol Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium bifidum is due to their bile saltconjugating activity Klaver,F.A.M.;R.van der Meer.
- In 8th. International Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria and Health Health Benefits of lactic acid bacteria in relation to cancer prevention Reddy,B.S.;D.R.;D.R.Rao.
- J. Appl Bacteriol. v.23 A medium for the cultivation of lactobacilli Deman,J.C.;Rogosa,M.;Sharpe,M.E.
- Jpn. J. Miocrobiol. v.29 Tolerance of the multiple antibiotic resistant strain, L. casei PSR 3002, to artificial digestive fluids Kobayashi,Y.;Tohyama,K.;Terashima,T.
- Difco Manual(10th ed.) Difco Laboratories
- Appl. Environ Microbial v.53 Inhibitory effects of raw carrots on Listeria monocytogenes Beuchat,L.R.;R.E.Brackett
- Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology v.2 Gram-positive cocci Scheifer.Karl Heinz;Krieg,N.R.(ed.);J.G.Holt(ed.)
- Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology v.2 Regular, Nonsporulating Gram-positive Rods Kandler Otto;Norbert Weiss;Krieg,N.R.(ed.);J.G.Holt(ed.)
- Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology(9th ed.) Stanley,T.Williams;John G.Holt
- The Prokaryotes(second ed.) v.2 The genus Leuconostoc Holzapfel,W.H.;Schillinger,U.;Bslows,A.(ed.);Truper,H.G.(ed.);Dworkin,M.(ed.);Harder,W(ed.);Schleifer.K.H.(ed.)
- J. Dairy Sci. v.67 Importance of bile tolerance of Lactobacillus acidophilus used as a dietary adjunct Gilliland,S.E.;Staley,T.E.;Bush,L.J.
- In 8the International Symposium on Lactic Acid Bac-teria and Health Experimental studies on the anticarcinogenic potential of lactic acid bacteria Holzpfel,W.H.;B.L.Pool-Zobel
- Cultured Dairy Products v.6 Antibacterial activity associated with Bifidobacterium bifidu. Anand,S,K.;Srinirasan,R.A.;Rao,L.K.
- 농화학회지 v.26 김치에서 분리한 젖산균의 미생물 생육저해 박연희;권정주;조도현;김수일
- 아주대학교 생물공학과 석사학위논문 김치에서 분리한 Pediococcus spp와 Lactobacillus plantarum의 미생물 생육저해 및 plasmid DNA 분리 류욱상