- Introduction to plant biochemistry(2nd ed.) The plant cell wall Goodwin, T. W.;E. I. Mercer
- Trends Biotechnol. v.13 Notes from the underground: highlights from plant-microbe interactions Baron, C.;P. C. Zambryski
- 防菌防微 v.24 植物病原絲狀菌による宿主植物の認識と感染 山口勇;植草秀敏
- Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. v.47 Purification and structural determination of a phytotoxic substance from Exerohilum turcicum Bashan, B;R. S. Levy;M. Cojocaru;Y. Levy
- Can. J. Microbiol. v.42 Oxalate production by fungi: its role in pathogenicity and ecology in soil environment Dutton, M. V.;C. S. Evans
- Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. v.47 Involvement of protein phosphorylation in the induction of approessorium formation in Collectrichum gloeosporioides by its host surface wax and ethylene Flashiman, M. A.;C.-S. Hwang;P. E. Kolattukudy
- Physiol. Mol. Plant. Pathol. v.48 Chemical signals responsilble for appressorium formation in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea Gilbert, R. D.;A. M. Johnson;R. A. Dean
- Fundamentals of the fungi(2nd ed.) Fungi as parasites of plants Landecker, E. M.
- Mycol. Res. v.98 Fungal enzymes degrading plant cell walls: their possible significance in the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis Cairney, J. W. G;R. M. Burke
- Biotechnol. Bioeng. v.26 Hydrolysis of lignocellulose by Penicillium funiculosum cellulase Mishra, C.;M. Rao;R. Seeta;M. C. Srinivasan;V. Deshpande
- Mycol. Res. v.99 Comparison of xylanase production by fungal pathogens of barly with reference to Bipolaris sorokiniana Peltonen, S.
- Plant Physiol. v.51 Host-pathogen interactions Fisher, M. L.;A. J. Anderson;P. Albersheim
- Plant Physiol. v.60 Characteristics of tomato cell wall degradation in vitro Wallner, S. J.;H. L. Bloom
- Can. J. Microbiol. v.39 Purification and some properties of β-glucosidase from ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius strain Cao, W.;D. L. Grawford
- Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. v.60 β-Glucosidase from Botrytis cinerea: Its involvement in the pathgenicity of this fungus Sasaki, I.;H. Nagayama
- Mycol. Res. v.99 Invertase activity in Epichloe/Acremonium fungal endophytes and its possible role in choke disease Lam, C. K.;F. C. Belanger;J. F. White Jr.;J. Daie
- Food Technol. v.48 Citrus limonoid reduction of chemically induced tumorigenesis Lam, L. K. T.;J. Zhang;S. Hasegawa
- Edible fruits and nuts(ed.) Plant resources of southeast asia Verheij, E. W.;R. E. Coronel
- Introduction of food-born fungi(ed.) Samson, R. A.;E. S. Hoekstra;C. A. N. Van Oorschot
- 防菌防微 v.19 眞菌の分離と分類, 同定-Penicillium屬 宇田川俊一
- Anal. Biochem. v.28 Use of dinitrosalicylic acid reagent for determination of reducing sugars Miller, G. L.
- Phytopathology v.60 Induction of electrolyte loss, tissue maceration, and cellular death of potato tissue by an endopoly-galacturonate trans-eliminase Mount, M. S.;D. F. Bateman;H. G. Basham
- Can. J. Microbiol. v.21 Sequential production of polygalacturonase, cellulase, and pectin lyase by Rhizoctonia solani Lishker, N.;J. Katan;Y. Henis
- Phytopathology v.54 Cellulase and the Rhizoctonia disease of bean Bateman, D. F.
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- Agric. Biol. Chem. v.52 Purification and properties of two β-glucosidase from Penicillum herquei Banier and Sartory Funaguma, T.;A. Hara
- Enzymer Microb. Technol. v.12 β-Glucosidase production by the mycelial culture of the mushroom Termitomyces clypeatus Sengupta, S.;S. Sengupta
- Enzyme Microb. Technol. v.4 Fungal and other β-D-glucosidase; their properties and applications Woodward, J.;A. Wiseman
- Enzyme Microb. Technol. v.6 Kinetic and mathematical model of hydrolysis and transglycosylation catalyzed by cellobiase Gusakov, A. V.;A. P. Sintisyn;G. H. Goldstein;A. A. Kylosov
- Agric. Biol. Chem. v.49 Interaction of the β-transglycosylase of Trichoderma longibrachiatum with cellulose Tanaka, T;S. Oi