지용성 오구의 세척기구(II) -액정 형성을 중심으로-

Removal Mechanisms of Oily Soils(II) - Mesomorphic Phase Formations -

  • 발행 : 1997.02.01


Mesomorphic phase formation of triolein and oleic acid with the increase of temperature was investigated to study the detergency of oily soils. Morphology, thickness and composition of liquid crystalline layer were inspected and the phase diagrams were obtained. Liquid crystalline phase between aqueous surfactant solution and oleic acid grew toward the oily phase making the myelinic figures, and finally was dispersed into the aqueous surfactant solution. Liquid crystalline phase wasn't formed at 20℃, showed definite crystallinity at 40℃, forming myellnic figures and was dispered into aqueous surfactant solution at higher temperature. Liquid crystalline layer was mainly composed of water and small amount of octanol and surfactant. The fraction of octanol increased in the order of NPPG



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