Studied is the applicability of Patron and Bastianeli's polymerization condition(6) i.e. high monomer and low irutiator concentrations, to the polymerization of AN in 51.575 aqueous sodium thiocyanate solution with very low chain transfer constant of the order of 10-7. Althour:h Parton and Bastianeli's condition is town to produce polyacrylonitriles(PANs) with defect free structures in organic solvents such as ethylene carbonate(EC)/propylene carbonate(PC) with a relatively high chain transfer constant of the order of 10E, it is found from this work that, if the polymerization reaction is carried out at a conventional polymerization temperature, e.g. 55℃, the condition is not helpful even in the inorganic solvent to suppressing the formation of the defect structures such as ketoneimine and enaminonitrile in a linear high molecular weight PAM. The possible overestimation of molecular weight of PAN due to the molecular defect structures is questioned.