A Phytosociological Study on the Weed Communities in the Cultivated and Abandoned Fields of Korea

한국의 경작지 및 휴경지의 잡초군락에 대한 식물사회학적 연구

  • 송종석 (안동대학교 자연과학대학 생물학과)
  • Published : 1997.06.01


The present study was undertaken to classify and describe the weed communities of the fields in Korea by methods of the ZM school of phytosociology. On the basis of the data obtained, the following vegetation units were recognized: A. summer weed community of rice field A-1. Oryzetea sativae: Sagittario-Monochorietum, A-2. Lemnetea minoris: Lemna paucicostata-Spirodela polyrrhiza community B. spring weed community of rice field B-1. Bidentetea tripartitae: Stellario-Ranunculetum cantoniensis C. summer weed community of arable land C-1. Chenopodietea Pinellio ternatae-Euphorbietum pseudochamaesyceslsynonym: Acalypho australis-Digirietum pectiniformis and Cephalonoploso segetti-Geranietum eriostemonii of North Korea in Dostal다 et al.(1990)] and Phyllantho urinariae-Lindernietum crustaceae D. weed community of fallow field D-1. Erigeron sumatrensis-Erigeron anmus community, D-2. Digitaria adscendens-Portulaca oleracea community, D-3. Chenopodium album community, and D-4. Erigeron canadensis-Erigeron annuus community. Generally compared to the Korean Peninsula, the weed communities in the fields of Cheju Island is much plentiful in their species composition.



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