수종식물의 분비물질이 종자 발아와 균류 생장에 미치는 알레로파시 효과

Allelopathic Effects on Seed Germination and Fungus Growth from the Secreting Substances of Some Plants

  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


Phenolic compounds from 7 species of naturalized invader species and Korean wild plants were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. Eleven phenolic compounds including benzoic acid were identified. The extract of naturalized plants was significantly more inhibitory to seed germination and seedling growth of the both naturalized and Korean wild plants. The content of total phenolic compounds in each extract were 43.5 mg/l in Ailanthus altissima as the maximum amount and 25.5 mg/l in Phytolacca americana as the minimum. Phytotoxic substances of ethanol extracts was investigated for antifungal activity against 23 selected fungus species. The antifungal activity of Phytolacca americana showed the greatest clear zone of 23 mm in Aspergillus awamori and its activity had an effect against 6 fungus species. Ailanthus altissima formed the greatest clear zone of 26 mm in Erwinia carotovora sub. sp. carotovora and had an effect agsinst 2 fungus species.



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