- 한국생태학회지 v.17 no.1 황해쑥에 함유된 화학물질이 다른 식물과 미생물의 생장에 미치는 영향 길봉섭;윤경원;이승엽;한동민
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- 生物活性天然物質 비田承二
- Terrestrial Ecosystems Aber, J.D.;J.M. Melillo
- Ciba Foundation Symposium v.154 Phytoalexins as part of induced defence reactions in plants: thier elicitation, function and matabolism in Bioactive Compounda from Plants Barz, W.
- A laboratory manual in general microbiology(5th ed.) Microbiological application Benson, H.J.
- Agron. J. v.76 Allelopathic effects of annual weed residues growth and nutrient uptake of corn and soybeans Bhowmik, P.C.;J.D. Doll
- J. Food Sci. v.49 Effect of essential oils from plants on growth of food spoil-age yeast Conner, D.E.;L.R. Beuchat
- Bot. Gaz. v.51 The causes of vegetation cycles Cowles, H.C.
- Rev. Weed. Sci. v.2 Naturally occuring chemical compounds as herbicides Duke, S.O.
- Weed Sci. v.35 Artemisin, a constituent of annual wormwood(Artemisia annua) is a selective phytotoxin Duke, S.O.;K.C. Vaughn;E.D. Croon;H.N. Elsohly
- Amer. Mid. Nat. v.90 Allelopathic effects of Rumex crispus on Amaranthus retroflexus grain sorghum and field corn Einhellig, F.A.;J.A. Rasmussen
- Phytochemistry v.30 no.7 Root exudates of wild oats: allelopathic effection spring wheat Francisco, J.P.;O.N. Juan
- Mechanisms in biological competition The role of toxic substances in the interrelationships between higher plants Grummer, G.;Milthorpe, F.L.(ed.)
- Plant and Soil v.122 The nature of interference potential of Pluchea lanceolata(DC) Clarke C. B.(Asteraceae) Inderjit;K.M.M. Dakshini
- J. Botany v.79 no.9 Interference potential of Pluchea lanceolata(asteraceae): Growth and physiologial responses of asparagus bean, Vigna unguiculata var. sesquipendalis Inderjit;K.M.M Dakshini
Acetylene reduction
$N_2-fixation)$ in soil and old field succession in central Oklahoma soil Kapustka, R. L.;E. L. Rice - Korean J. Ecol. v.19 no.4 Identification and effects of phenolic compounds from some plants Kim, Y.O.;H. J. Lee
- Experimentelle Untersuchunger uber die Bedeutung Von Hemmstoffen fur das Wachstumud die Vergesell Shchaftung Hoherer Pflanzen(cited in knapp, R.) Knapp, R.;S. Furthmann
- Amer. J. Bot. v.63 Role of alleopathy as expressed by dominating trees in a low land forest in controlling the productivity and pattern of herbaceous growth Lodhi, M.A.K.
- ACS Sympoium Series NO.449 A search for agrochemicals from peruvian plants in Naturally Occuring Pest Bioregulators Miles, D.H.;P.A. Hedin(ed.)
- Economic Botany v.46 Sources of tannins: Alternatives to wattle(Acacia mearnsii) among indigenous Kenyan species Mugedo, J.Z.A.;P.G. Waterman
- Ecology of Biological Invasions Ecological and physiological characteristics of invading species Newsome, A.E.;I.R. Noble;Groves, R.H.(Ed.);J.J. Burdon(Ed.)
- South western Nat. v.15 Relative effects of known plant inhibitors or species from two stages of oldfiels succession Olmisted, C.E.;E.L. Rice
- Science v.240 Insecticidal activity and lectin homology of arcelin seed protein Osborn, T.C.;D.C. Alexander;S.S.M. Sun;C. Cardona;F.A. Bliss
- Allelopathy(2nd ed.) Rice, E.L.
- J. Chem. Ecol. v.9 Allelopathic effects of juglone on germination and growth of several herbaceous and woody species Rietveld, W.J.
- ACS Sympoium Series No. 449 Black shank disease fungus: Inhibition of growth by tabacco root cinstituents and related compounds in Naturally Occuring Pest Bioregulators Snook, M.E.;O.T. Chortyk;A.S. Csinos;P. A. Hedin(ed.)
- Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. v.98 The allelopathic potential of Avena fatua: Influence on herb distribution Tinnin, R.;C.H. Muller
- ACS Symp. Ser.;Amer. Chem. Soc. v.330 Chemical ecology of quinolizidine alkaloids, in allelochemicals: Role in agriculture, forestry and ecology. Wink, M.;Walier, G.R.(ed.)