하천 생태학의 발전과 우리나라 하천 연구의 현황

The Development of Stream Ecology and Current Status

  • 주기재 (부산대학교 자연과학대학 생물학과) ;
  • 김현우 (부산대학교 자연과학대학 생물학과) ;
  • 하경 (부산대학교 자연과학대학 생물학과)
  • Joo, Gea-Jae (Department of Biology, Pusan National University) ;
  • Kim, Hyun-Woo (Department of Biology, Pusan National University) ;
  • Ha, Kyong (Department of Biology, Pusan National University)
  • 발행 : 1997.02.01


The development of stream ecology, especially the progress of that field in North America, has been briefly reviewed, and stream studies in Korea were analyzed through literature survey. During the last two decades, theoretical advances in stream ecology and understanding of the structure and function of stream ecosystem were made from the studies mainly in North America. Early studies (1960-1970) focused on determination of the environmental factors controlling the distribution and abundance of organisms dwelling in streams. Introduction of conceptual development, such as the functional feeding concept, river continuum concept, and nutrient spiraling was notable in the late 70's and the 80's. For last 20 years, experimentation approaches to apply ecological principles were very fruitful in the understanding of community structure. Even though studies on the stream ecosystem is Korea have a long history, most of works were concentrated on limited subjects: water quality, abundance and distribution of aquatic insects and fishes. Basic ecological attributes of stream organi는 and test of ecological principles have rarely been a subject of research topics. We must concentrate our effort to enhance our understanding of stream and river ecosystem through qualitative, experimental and interdisciplinary approaches.



  1. 여천 김준호 교수 정년 기념 논총 한국생태학 90년사. 생태학의 징검돌 김준호
  2. '96 한국육수학회 심포지움 proceedings 한국 수서곤충 연구의 현황과 과제 배연재
  3. 서식지 및 생태계의 보전과 복구 이경준;김범철;김은식;주기재;오정수;유신재;이준호;이창석
  4. 한국의 생물 다양성 이인규;김계중;조재명;이도원;조도순;유종수(엮음내)
  5. 한국육수학회지 v.27 인공 基質을 이용한 附着藻類 調査 조경제
  6. 낙동강 생태연구 1957-1994 주기재
  7. 한국생태학회지 v.14 배내천 중류의 저서성 대형무척추동물에 대한 연구.;II. 봇둑 상하에서의 군집 및 환경비교 오용남;전태수
  8. 한국생물과학협회 50년사 한국생물과학협회
  9. '95 한국 생태학회, 한국어류학회 공동 심포지움 proceedings 하천시스템복원의 생태학적 관점 홍욱희
  10. Nobuhiko Mazuno and Kyuemon Gose 河川の生態學 水野信彦;御勢久右衛門
  11. Stream ecology: structure and function of running waters Allan, J.D.
  12. Can, J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. v.36 Influences of diet on the life histories of aquatic insects Anderson, N.H.;K.W. Cummins
  13. Stream ecology: application and testing of general ecological theory Barnes, J.R.(ed.);G.W. Minshall(ed.)
  14. Annual Review of Entomology v.18 Trophic relations of aquatic insects Cummins, K.W.
  15. BioScience v.24 Structure and function of stream ecosystems Cummins, K.W.
  16. The ecology of regulated streams The natural stream ecosystem Cummins, K.W.;Ward, J.V.(ed.);J.A. Stanford(ed.)
  17. River and stream ecosystem Cushing, C.E.;K.W. Cummins;G.W. Minshall
  18. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. v.8 Groundwater fauna associated with reverine aquifers Danielopol, D.L.
  19. The ecology of river systems Davies, B.R.(ed.);K.F. Walker(ed.)
  20. Dynamics of lotic ecosystems Fontaine, T.D.(ed.);S.M. Bartell(ed.)
  21. Ph. D. Dissertation, Univ. of Alabama Limnological studies of oxbow lakes in the Southeastern United States: morphometry, physico-chemical characteristics and patterns of primary productivity Joo, G.J.
  22. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie v.68 The fate of dead leaves that fall into streams Kaushik, N.K.;H.B.N. Hynes
  23. The warm water streams symposium: a national symposium on fisheries aspects of warm water streams Krumholz, L.A.(ed.)
  24. Perspectives in running water ecology Lock, M.A.(ed.);D.D. Williams(ed.)
  25. The ecology of running waters Hynes, H.B.N.
  26. Ecological Monographs v.35 Laboratory studies of periphyton production and community metabolism in lotic environments McIntire, C.D.;H.K. Phinney
  27. Ecological Monographs v.53 Interbiome comparison of stream ecosystem dynamics Minshall, G.W.;R.C. Petersen;K.W. Cummins;T.L. Bott;J.R. Sedell;C.E. Cushing;R.L. Vannote
  28. Can. J. of Fish. Aquat. Sci. v.38 Measuring nutrient spiralling in streams Newbold, J.D.;J.W. Elwood;R.V. O'Niell;W. Van Winkle
  29. River ecology and man Oglesby, R.T.;C.A. Carlson;J.A. McCann
  30. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. v.7 Biotic and abiotic controls in river and stream communities Power, M.E.;R.J. Stout;C.E. Cushing;P.P. Harper;F.R. Hauer;W.J. Matthews;P.B. Moyle;B. Statzner;I.R. Wais
  31. The ecology of aquatic insects Resh, V.H.(ed.);D.M. Rosenberg(ed.)
  32. Arch. Hydrobiol. (Ergebn Limnol.) v.7 System of water quality from the biological point of view Sladecek, V.
  33. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. v.37 The river continuum concept Vannote, R.L.;G.W. Minshall;K.W. Cummins;J.R. Sedell;C.E. Cushing
  34. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie v.79 The role of filter feeders in flowing waters Wallace, J.B.;J.R. Webster;W.R. Woodall
  35. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. v.8 The four-dimensional nature of lotic ecosystems Ward, J.V.
  36. Aquatic insect ecology: 1. Biology and habitat Ward, J.V.
  37. Limnology Now: A Paradigm of Planetary Problems The structure and dynamics of lotic ecosystems Ward, J.V.;Margalef, R.(ed.)
  38. The Ecology of Regulated Streams Ward, J.V.(ed.);J.A. Stanford(ed.)
  39. Limnological Analyses Wetzel, R.G.;G.E. Likens
  40. River ecology Whitton, B.A.(ed.)