- 서울대학교대학원 해양학과 이학박사학위논문 진해만에 서식하는 해산 이매패류와 복족류의 독성유기오염물질 생물농축과 오염 스트레스의 영향 강성현
- 한국연안역 종합개발연구. BSPG00048-165-6 과학기술처
- 울산·온산공단 공해피해주민 이주대책을 위한 조사연구 김안제
- 이화여자대학교 대학원 생물과학과 이학석사학위논문 Contamination assessment and bioavailability of heavy metals in the Chinhae bay system, Korea 김은정
- 국립수산진흥원 사업보고 no.58 한국연안어장 보전을 위한 환경오염 조사연구 수산진흥원
- 한국수질보전학회지 v.6 한국산 어패류중의 수은, 카드뮴, 납, 구리의 함량 원종훈
- 한국해양연구소 보고서. BSPE00032-60-4 생태계내에 있어서 오염물질의 이동체계에 관한 연구 이광우;이수형;양동범;오재룡;김은수
- 한국연안 퇴적물의 중금속 오염역사에 관한 연구 이광우;이수형;이동수
- 한국해양연구소보고서. BSPG00112-315-4 연안환경보전기술개발연구 이수형;유신재;김창식;양동범;홍기훈;오재룡;김석현;강성현;조성록;정창수;김경태;이선경;박선규;김종근;제종길
- 한국패류학회지 v.10 no.2 이매패류를 지표종으로 이용한 해양환경오염연구 이수형
- 한국제4기학회지 v.7 황해동부 대륙붕과 한반도 서해안 표층퇴적물의 지구화학적 특성 조영길;이창복;박용안;김대철;강효진
- 한국해양학회지 v.29 no.4 남해대륙붕 표층퇴적물중 중금속원소의 분포 특성 조영길;이창복;최만식
- 낙동강유역 환경보전 종합계획사업 해양부분보고서 현대엔지니어링주식회사
- Water Res. v.8 Uptake of cadmium, zinc, copper, lead and chromium in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, grown in the Tamar River Ayling, G.M.
- J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U. K. v.57 Indicators of heavy metal contamination in the looe estuary with particular regard to silver and lead Bryan, G.W.;L.G. Hummerstone
- J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U. K. v.63 An assessment of the gastropod, Littorina littorea, as an indicator of heavy metal contamination in United Kingdom estuaries Bryan, G.W.;W.J. Langston;L.G. Hummerstone;G.R. Burt;Y.B. Ho
- Comp. Biochem. Physiol. v.95C Accumulation of Fe, Zn, Cu and Cd duringthe different stages of the reproductive cycle in Mytilus edulis Coimbra, J.;S. Carraca
- J. Sed. Pet. v.27 Brazos river bar. A study in the significance of grain size parameters Folk, R.L.;W.C. Ward
- Metal pollution in the aquatic environment Forstner, U.;G. T.W. Wittman
- Procedures in sedimentary petrology Sedimentation analysis Galehouse, J.S.;Carver, R.E.(ed.)
- Environ. Moni. Asses. v.7 The mussel watch concept Goldberg, E.D.
- Mar. Poll. Bull v.30 no.1 Hydrocabons and organochlorines in common mussels from the Kattegat and the Belts and their relation to condition indices Granby, K.;N.H. Spliid
- Mar. Environ. Res. v.36 Assessment of elemental contamination in estuarine and coastal environments based on geochemical and statistical modeling of sediments Hanson P.J.;D.W. Evans;D.R. Colby
- Mar. Sci. Lab., Queenscliff, Australia Tech. Report No. 23 Mytilus edulis as a biological indicator of heavy metal pollution: A review Hammond, L.S.
- Appl. Geochem v.2 The reaction of stream sediment surface area, grain size and composition to trace element chemistry Horowitz, A.J.;K.A. Elrick
- A primer on sediment-trace element chemistry(2nd ed.) Horowitz, A.J.
- The international mussel watch IMWC
- Procedures in sedimentary Petrology Sieve analysis Ingram, R.I.;Carver. R.E.(ed.)
- IOC Summary Report First session of the WESTPAC Task team on marine pollution research and monitoring using commercially exploited shellfish as determinents
- Mar. Poll. Bull. v.19 Use of silver in mussels as a tracer of domestic wastewater discharge Martin, M.;M.D. Stephenson;D.R. Smith;E.A. Gutierrez Galindo;G.F. Munozo
- J. Ass. Off. Anal. Chem. v.74 Comparison of microwave digestion with conventional wet ashing and dry ashing digestion for analysis of lead, cadmium, chromium, copper and zinc in shellfish by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy Mccarthy H.T.;P.C. Ellis
- Estuar. Coast. and Mar. Sci. v.6 Complexation of metals with humic materials in natual waters Montoura, R.F.C.;A. Dickson;J.P. Riley
- Metabolism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the aquatic environment Hydrocarbons in marine molluscs: biological effects and ecological consequences Moore, M.N.;D.R. Livingstone;J. Widdows;Varanasi, U.(ed.)
- The international mussel watch NAS
- Marine Pollution Bulletin v.3 Distribution of cadmium, lead and zinc in the Bristol channel Nickless, G.;R. Stenner;N. Terrille
- Analyst. v.116 Comparison of microwave and conventional extraction techniques for the determination of metals in soil, sediment and sludge samples by Atomic Spectrometry Nieuwenhuize J.;C.H. Poley-Vos
- Mar. Biol. v.38 The common mussel Mytilus edulis as indicator of pollution by zinc, cadmium, lead and copper: I. Effect of environmental variables on uptake of metals Phillips, D.J.H.
- Aquatic Environment Monitoring Report. M.A.F.F. Directorate of Fisheries Research, No.1 Chemical monitoring of residue levels in fish and shellfish landed in England and Wales during 1970-73 Portmann, J.E.
- Mar. Geol. v.62 Predicting suspended sediment concentration on continental shelves Shi, N.C.;L.H. Larsen;J.P. Downing
- Estu., Cost. She. Sci. v.18 Cesium. 137. metals an organic carbon in the sediments of the James River Virginia Wong. G.T.F.;C.S. Moy