Delaware 포도에서 Gibberellin 처리와 봉지씌우기가 과립의 성숙과 품질에 미치는 영향

Effects of Gibberellin Application and Bagging on Ripening and Quality in 'Delaware' Grape Berries

  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


This experiment was carried out to clarify the effects of gibberellin(GA) aplication and bagging on repeening and quality in 'Delaware' grape berries. Treatments are 4 plots(2X2 factorial experiment); GA, GA+bagging, bagging and control. The clusters were dipped twice in 100 ppm GA with GA treatment : 10 days before and after the full bloom. The results obtained as follows: 1. GA treatment made the seedless grape berry reduced in the fresh weight but it hastened the ripening period about 2 weeks. 2. Total soluble solid(TSS), viscosity and pH value of berry juice increased with maturation. The concentration of TSS and viscosity were higher in GA treatment plot than GA non-treatment. 3. Berry-hardness, titratable acidity and alcohol inslouble solid(AIS) decreased with maturation. Expically berry-hardness and AIS decreased more greatly in GA non-treatment than GA treatment. 4. The concentration of anthocyanin increased with ripening but pectic substance didn't fluctuate nearly. These of anthocyanin and pectin were higher in GA non-treatment plot than GA treatment. 5. By analysis of factorial experiment GA treatment was highly significant with the $^{o}$Brix/Acidity ratio, juice viscosity and AIS, but high negatively, significant with berry-hardness and berry fresh weight. And it was significant with T S S and negatively, titratable acidity. Bagging was significant with $^{o}$Brix/Acidity ratio and AIS content, but negatively, titratable acidity. 6. Qualitative characters were high correlated with the $^{o}$Brix/Acidity ratio in simple correlation but direct effect by the path-coefficient analysis didn't coincide with simple correlation. The direct effect of pH was large and juice viscosity, the next. And that of berry-hardness was negligible but, AIS, small negatively.



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