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- Br. Med. J. v.1 Mortality in relation to smoking ten years' observation of British doctor Doll, R.;Hill, A. B.
- 결핵및 호흡기 질환 v.35 no.1 담배와 폐질환의 임상 김기호
- Circulation v.53 Multivariate prediction of coronary heat disease in the Western Collaborative Group study comared to the findings of the Framingham study Brand, R. J.;Rosenman, R. H.;Sholtz, R. I.;Friedman, M.
- Am. Heart. J. v.105 Myocardial infarction in young adults;Risk factors and natural history Uhl, G. S.;Farrell, P. W.
- A report of a surgeon general Cardiovascular diease The Health Consequense of Smoking
- J. Chronic. Dis. v.31 Relationship of blood pressure, serumcholesterol, smoking habit, relative weight, and ECG abnormalitis to indence of major coronary events;Final report of the polling project The Pooling Project Reserch Group
- J. Am. Coll. Cariol. v.5 Sudden death. Lessons from subjects in population studies Kannel, W. B.;Sehatzkin, A.
- Circulation v.51 Precursor of sudden coronary death Kannel, W. B.;Doyle, J. T.
- J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. v.4 Cigarette smorking, atherosclerosis and the coronary hemodynamic response;A unifying hypothesis Klein, L. W.
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- Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. v.149 Effects of smoking on Fetoplacental-Maternai system during pregnancy Mochizuki, M.;Maruo, T.;Masuko, K.;Ontsu, T.
- Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. v.151 Cervical dyslasia;Association with sexual behavior smoking, and oral contracepive use Clarke, E. A.;Hatcher, J.;McKeown, E. G. E.;Lickrish, G. M.
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- 香港 增註本草從新 吳儀洛
- 영인본 한방기본처방집 경희의료원 한방병원
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- 독성학 김양원역
- J. Analytical Biochemistry v.214 Nebot, C.;Moutet, M.;Heut, P.;Xu Jz.;Yadan, Jc.;Chaudiere
- 예수병원 학회지 v.16 흡연상태와 백혈구 증가의 관련성 심형무;조동선;최종태 등
- Clin. Pharmather. v.23 Absorption of nicotine from small cigars Armitage, A.;Dolley, C. T.;Houseman, T.(etal)
- Trends Pharmacol Sciences v.3 Phamacolohy of cigarette smoking behavior Griffiths, R. R.;Henningfiedl, J. E.
- Br. Med. J. v.4 Absorption and metabolism of nicotine from cigarettes Armitage, A. K.;Dolley, C. T.(etal)
- Br. J. Addict. v.75 Consumption of cigarettes of reduced tar and nicotine delivery Stepney, R.
- Psychophysiology v.14 EEG alpha correlates of non-smokers, smokers, smoking and smoking deprivation Knott, V. J.;Venables, P. B.
- Br. Soc. Clin. Psycol. v.10 Smoking behavior and 1th relation to the smokers' immediate experience Frith, C. D.
- Psychopharmacologia v.22 Behavior in a monotonous situation Frankenhaser, M.;Mayrsten, A. L.;Post, B.;Tohansson, G.
- 결핵및 호흡기 질환 v.40 no.3 내과외래 환자에 있어서 흡연양상과 의사의 금연권고의 성공률 박기찬;김영효;배성 등
- Brit. Med. J. v.289 Carbon monooxide yield of cigarettes and 1th Relation to cardorespiratory diease Borland, C.;Chamberlain, A.;HigenBottam, T.;Shipley, M.;Rose, G.
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- 카톨릭대학 의학부 논문집 v.44 no.1 기관지 천식환자와 흡연자에서 말초혈액 다형핵구에 의한 superoxide anion 생성능과 혈장 superoxide dimutase 활성도 김영균;박성학
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- 方藥合編 黃度?
- 原本編註醫學入門 上卷 李천
- 동의폐계내과학 이형구;정승기
- 本草學 李尙仁
- Am. J. Epidemiol. v.123 Associations with intensity of smoking and persistence of effect after quitting Petitti, D. B.;Kipp, H.;Theleukocyte count
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- Respiration v.47 Effect of low hemoglobin levels on the diffusion capacity of the lungs for CO Petermann, W.
- 결핵 및 호흡기 질환 v.37 no.1 기관지 천식, 만성 폐쇄성 폐질환, 폐결핵 환자의 적혈구내 2, 3 DPG(Diphosphoglycerate)활성도에 대한 연구 김정권;이충섭;이용철
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- Ann. Rev. Biochem. v.44 Superoxide dismutase Fridovich, I.
- Arch. Dermatol. Res. v.276 Protective enzymes in human epidermal carcinomas and psoriasis Borrellos, S.;Seccia, A.;Galleotti, T.;Bartoli, G. M.;Farallo, E.;Serri, F.
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