한국 무복(巫服)의 비언어적 커뮤니케이션에 관한 연구 - 진도 씻김굿을 중심으로 -

A Study on Non-verbal Communication of korean Shaman Clothing

  • 양미경 (한성대학교 예술대학 의상학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.02.01


This paper studies in terms of nonverbal communication the roles of Gut-clothinbgs used in Jin-Do Sit-gim Gut are classified as follows: 1) The message communicated through the ordinary clothings of a shaman is that he or she is waiting to serve as a presider of a Gut ceremony actiong as a mediator between the spirtual and the human world. 2) The shaman clothings representing many kinds of spirits are visualized figures which are closely related to the common wishes of most people in society e. g. physical and material well-being longevity fertility. 3) The clothings serve as a body figure in the Gut are classified into 5 groups. (1) Laid-on clothings give the message that the body is standing still. (2) Wrapped clothings serve as an incarnated body of the dead. (3) Spread clothings represent a lying body. (4) Oscillated clothings are the symbols of a spirit which moves from this world to another. (5) Burned clothings mean that the spirit has attained a complete seperation from this world.
