입원 환자의 병원내 자원 이용에 영향을 미치는 병원, 진료과 및 의사의 특성 분석

The Effect of Hospital, Department and Physician Factors on Hospital Resource Use

  • 안형식 (고려대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실)
  • 발행 : 1997.05.01


The hospital, clinical department and the physician factor in explaining variations of hospital resource use in surgically admitted patients was compared. This analysis was based on 6, 361 discharges in 28 hospitals for three surgical conditions - lens procedures anal and stomal procedures, uterine and ovarian procedures using medical insurnce claim data. The results were as follows: 1. Regression analysis indicated that the hospital and clinical department characteristics, such as hospital ownership and size, were more significant predictors of the resource use indicators than the physician and patients' social characteristics. 2. Regarding to the physician factors, the hospital where the physician received the residency training and the medical shool where he/she graduated had less effect compared to the hospitals where he/she currently works. Between the residency trained hospital and medical school, the is more important than the latter. 3. When the hospital charges were divided into type of service provided i. e. room, drug, laboratory & radiologic, procedure & operation, and anesthesic charges, variance due to the hospital factor was larger than that due to the physician factor in each item. In summary, the hospital and clinical departmental factor played an important role than physician factor ; indicating to reduce the variation in hospital resource use, the policy that affects hospital behavior would be more effective than that targets individual physician behavior.



  1. 연세대학교 대학원 보건학과 석사학위 논문 백내장 입원환자에 대한 의사의 진료형태 변이에 관한 연구 김세라
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  3. 회원명부 대한산부인과학회
  4. 대한안과학회요람 대한안과학회
  5. 회원명부 대한외과학회
  6. 의학교육자명록 대한의학회
  7. '94 의학교육자명록 대한의학회
  8. 회원명부 대한정형외과학회
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  13. 적정진료 보장을 위한 의료의 질관리 연구 서울의대 의료관리학교실
  14. 수술률의 지역간 변이에 관한 연구 서울의대 의료관리학교실
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