- 한국미생물학회지 v.32 소양호 지류에서 식물플랑크톤 변화에 따른 미생물 활성도의 일변화 김상종;안태석;안태영;조기성;곽노태;이동훈;박호완
- Verh. Internat. Verein. Lim-nol v.25 Phosphatase activity in Lake Soynag Ahn, T. S.;S. I. Choi;K. I. Joh
- Limnol. Oceanogr v.34 Characterization and significance of β-glucosidase activity in lake water Chrost, R.J.
- Microbial ecology of Lake Plussee Microbial enzymatic degradation and utilization of organic matter Chrost, R. J.
- Microb. Ecol. v.13 Kinetics of alkaline phosphatase activity and phosphorus availability for phytoplankton and bacterioplankton in lake Plusses(north German eutrophic lake) Chrost, R. J.;J. Overbeck
- Mar. Ecol. v.11 Significance of exoenzymatic activities in the decology of brackish water: measurement by means of methlyumbellifery-substrate Hoppe, H.G.
- Limnol. Oceanor v.32 Free amino acids in lakes;concentrations and assimilation rates in relation to phytoplankton anc bacterial production Jorgensen, N.O.G.
- Kor, J. Limnol. v.18 A Horizontal variation of primary productivity and environment factors in Lake Soyang Kim, B.C.;K.S. Cho;T.S. Ahn
- Adv. Microb. Ecol. v.8 Ecology of microbial cellulose degradation Ljungdahl, L.G.;K.E. Eriksson
- Microbial Enzymes in Aquatic Environment Extracellular enzyme activity in eutrophic and polyhumic Lakes Munster, U.;Chrost, R.J.(ed.)
- Microbial ecology of Lake Plussee Dissolved organic matter: Analysis of composition and fuction by a molecular biochemical approach Munster, U.;D. Albrecht;Overbeck, J.;R. J. Chrost (ed.)
- Origin, composition and microbial utilization of dissolved organic matter Aquatic Microbial Ecology; Biochemical and Molecular Approaches Munster, U.;R.J. Chrost;Overbeck, J.;R.J. Chrost (ed.)
- Microbial Ecology of Lake Plussee Phytoplankton-excreted organic carbon Sell, A.F.;Overbeck, J.;R.J. Chrost (ed.)
- Organic geochemistry of natural waters Thurman, E.M.
- Eur. J. Biochem. v.15 Studies of the celluloytic system of Trichodderma reesei QM 9414-reaction specificity and thermodynamics of interactions of small substrates and ligands with the 1,4-β-glucan cellobiohydrolase Tibeurrgh, H.;G. Pettersson;R. Bhikabhai;H. Boeck;M. Claeyssens