Genetic Linkage Plays an Important Role in Maintaining Genetic Variability under Stabilizing Selection in Changing Environment

  • Jeung, Min-Gull (Department of Zoology, University of Oklahoma) ;
  • Janes N. Thompson, Jr (Department of Zoology, University of Oklahoma) ;
  • Lee, Chung-Choo (Department of Biology, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


Maintenance of polymorphism in a two-locus system with two alleles under stabilizing selection has been tested by Monte-Carlo simulation. The effect of each allele was additive. Only gene x environment interactions and degree of genetic linkage between loci were considered. There were no other evolutionary forces acting except stabilizing selection. Fixation rates were influenced by the extent of environmental change and the degree of genetic linkage. In most cases, stabilizing selection depleted genetic variability when two loci have a lower degree of linkage (10 cM). When two loci are closely linked (0.1 cM), however, stabilizing selection promoted balanced heterozygotes in changing environments. Thus, environment-dependent selection and recombination rate are important parameters which should be incorporated into mechanisms of maintenance of genetic variability.
