Two New Thalestrid Harpacticois (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Thalestridae) from Korea

  • Chang, Cheon-Young (Department of Biology, Coollege of Natural Sciences, Taegu University) ;
  • Song, Sung-Joon (Department of Biology, Coollege of Natural Sciences, Taegu University)
  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


Two new harpacticoid species of family Thalestridae are described on the basis of the specimens collected from the shallow sublittoral sand bottom or seagrasses of rocky shore in South Korea. Dactylopusia pauciarticulata n. sp. is discernible from its 19 congeners by the 6-articulated antennule. Paradactylopodia koreana n. sp. most resembles P. striata Kunz, 1973 of its seven congeners, but obviously distinguished from it by the shape of male leg 2 endopod.



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  3. Arquipelago v.4 Harpacticoiden (Crustacea: Copepoda) aus dem Litoral der Azoren Kunz H
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