Effects of Acid Rain Treatment on Height Growth of Several Landscape Tree Species, pH Value and $Al^{3+}$ Concentration in Soil: Comparison after 5 Years [I]

人工酸性雨 處理가 5年後 몇 가지 造景樹種의 樹高生長, 土壤 酸度와 可溶性 알루미늄의 濃度에 미치는 影響 [I]

  • Published : 1997.08.01


To identify the long-term influence of acid rain treatment on tree growth, acid rain of various composition (pH 2.0, pH 4.0 and pH 5.6 as control) was applied to several landscape trees for five months (April through August, 1991). Tree height, pH values and $Al^{3+}$ concentration in soil were investigated. Acid rain treatments seemed to promote height growth in the first year (1991), but have become an inhibiting factor over five years. All of coniferous species and most broad-leaved species, except Acer ginnala, showed opposite trends in height responses to acid rain treatments between the first (1991) and last (1996) year. In contrast, Acer ginnala showed similar trends to acid rain treatments in the height growth between 1991 and 1996. This result suggested that Acer ginnala has a characteristic adapability to acid rain stress. pH values of surface soil were lower than those of 30 cm soil depth. This fact suggested that acid rain treatments made surface soil acidic condition. In addition, physiological characteristics (photosynthesis, stomatal condition and biomass) have to be investigated to identify the relationship between long-term effects of $AL^{3+}$ concentration and growth.



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