A Study on the Landscape Arrangement Simulation System for Small Streams

소하천 경관정비 모의시스템에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1997.10.01


The arrangement of small streams in rural area, in the past times, attached importance to the prevention of flood damage through the straightening and lining of streams. Recently, the way of small stream arrangement is introducing the idea of water friendly environment or friendly space. As a result, there has been much concern with water favorable river management model which may lead to control flood. However, it is very difficult to develop a model applicable to all types of rivers, since each river has different flow velocity, flow amount and unique ecological characteristics. In this study, photo processing technique, one of landscape simulation methods, has been adopted because it helps to visually express and comprehensively evaluate pre and post scenery and easily applicable. Some important guideline and technique for the planning of small stream landscape arrangement are mentioned in this study. The simulation system for acquiring water favorable space and arranging landscapes needs to develop database which can forecast various types of landscape. It may also be used for the bases of planning and designing river environment arrangement. Computer aided image processing system enables to make selective planning in river environment arrangement. It may also enables to develop the methods for river environment development, ecology conservation, and multipurpose space utilization. Moreover, it makes economic river arrangement by applying river environment arrangement methods relevant to geographical characteristics. There are some limitations in this study, such as shortage of exact investigation on the stream direction and velocity in landscape arrangement. Continuous monitoring and research may be required to develop techniques through the application of computer graphics and digital image processing.



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