경기도내 농업용 저수지의 제체 및 구조물의 노후도 조사 연구

Studies on Structural Degradation of Agricultural Reservoirs in Kyungki Province

  • 발행 : 1997.08.01


Field inspections and laboratory tests for 31 agricultural reservoirs in Kyungki province were performed to provide basic data for maintenance and rehabilitation of agricultural reservoirs and to evaluate structural degradation of agricultural reservoirs Results of the study are as follows : 1) From survey's results of embankments, signs of settlement and lateral movement are appeared in 17 reservoirs. Crest settlement of 20~80cm, downstream settlement of 10~90cm, and 20~160cm lateral movement of embankments are detected from settlement and movement analysis of 17 reservoirs. Crest and downstream settlements and lateral movement are greatly occurred in 20 ~ 40 years after embankment construction. 2) About 39% of total reservoirs shows seepage problems occurred in the lower part of berm and retaining wall located between embankment and spillway. Probability of seepage problems is higher at retaining wall than others. 3) Concrete strength estimated by Schmidt hammer in structures of reservoirs is a range of 100~l50kgf/$cm^2$ and average deviation of concrete strength is about l0kgf/$cm^2$. Strength difference$({\delta}S)$ between compressive strength estimated by Schmidt hammer and uniaxial compressive strength of concrete core is about $\pm$100kgf/$cm^2$. This difference is due to absence or presence of reinforced bar in concrete core, variable length of concrete core and limitation of Schmidt hammer. 4) About 68% of total reservoirs shows leaching, 58% alkali-aggregate reaction and 71 % abrasion/frost. Leaching, alkali-aggregate reaction and abrasion/frost occurred in most reservoirs when passed 10 years after construction of structure parts.



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  2. 한국농공학회지 v.22 no.4 댐의 유지관리와 안전검사 김주창
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