Efficient Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures using the Mixed-Discrete Optimization Method

  • Kim, Jong-Ok (Department of Agricultural Engineering, Kongju National University)
  • Published : 1997.04.01


Abstract A series of permeability tests was performed on the mixtures with specific mixing rates of sand and bentonite using modified rigid-wall permeameter. Sand-bentonite mixtures were permeated by organics, ethanol and TCE. Permeability of bentonite with several mixing rates had a tendency to decrease up to initial one pore volume and permeability was thereafter converged to a constant value. When sand-bentonite mixtures was permeated by water, permeability was decreased at the beginning but it was thereafter converged to a constant. Among several mixing rates, permeability was greatly decreased at 15% of mixing rate. When sand-bentonite mixtures with 15% mixing rate was permeated by ethanol, permeability was about 10 times larger value than permeability of water. Peameability was shown greater values when permeated by TCE (TrichloroEthylene) followed by ethanol. Suitable mixing rate of sand-bentonite for a liner of waste landfills was detected.
