개인의 사무생산성 증대를 위한 회계정보시스템 설계방안

The design strategy of accounting information systems for the increase of personal office productivity

  • 발행 : 1997.11.01


This paper represents an exploratory effort to test empirically the contingent relationships between the contextual variables, such as user task characteristics and personality, and the information characteristics of Accounting Information Systems (AIS), and to prove the effects of influence factors on the increase of personal office productivity. In this study, it was suggested that personal office productivity is influenced by the fit between the contextual variables and the information dimensions of ALS. It was also proved that influence factors have a positive effect on the increase of personal office productivity.



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  2. 경영과학의 응용 v.2 MIS 성과에대한 평가 모형 이진주;김상훈
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  8. Journal of Systems Management Productivity improvement for office systems Baumgardner
  9. MIS Quarterly The impact of cognitive styles on information system design Benbasat,I.;Taylor,R.
  10. Decision Science v.15 Cognitive style and the usefulness of information Blaylock,B.;Rees,L.
  11. Information & Management v.7 no.2 A descriptive model of success for computer based information systems Bruwer,P.
  12. Journal of Personality Intolerance of ambiguity as a personality variables Budner,S.
  13. Journal of System Management Solutions to productivity problems Byars
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  17. The Accounting Review The impact of structure,environment & interdependence on the perceived usefulness of management accounting systems Chenhall,R.;Morris,D.
  18. Accounting Organizations & Society v.21 no.5 Management accounting systems, task uncertainty and managerial performance: A research note Chonh,V.K.
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  21. Sloan Management Review no.Fall Intellectual Technologies: The key to improving whitecollar productivity Curley;Pyburn
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  25. Journal of Systems Management Office productivity Factors Drange
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  36. Information & Management v.6 Assessing participative systems design: Some conclusions from an exploratory study Hirschheim,R.A.
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  38. Management Science v.26 no.9 A framework for research in computer based management information systems Ives,B.;Hamilton,S.;Davis,G.B.
  39. Journal of Systems Management Before and after WP: An office automation productivity study Kapsales
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  41. Information & Management v.11 no.2 An exploratory contingency model of user participation and MIS use Kim,E.;Lee,J.
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  48. The Accounting Review The use of an accounting information system, action & organizational performance Lucas,H.C.
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  50. Journal of Management Information Systems v.4 no.4 An investigation of the effects of age,size and hardware option on the critical success factors applicable to information centers Magal;Carr
  51. Information & Management v.10 Office automation benefits: A framework Maggiolini,P.
  52. Journal of Management Information Systems v.11 no.3 Effects of organizational maturity on end-users satisfaction with information systems Mahmood,M.A.;Becker,J.D.
  53. MIS Quarterly v.8 no.1 A contingency Model for user involvement in DSS development Mann,R.;Watson,H.
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  55. The Accounting Review The effects of personality on a subject's information processing Mcghee,W.;Shields,M.;Birnberg,J.
  56. MIS Quarterly v.12 no.2 Factors affecting information satisfaction in the context of the small business environment Montazemi,A.R.
  57. Harvard Business Review Managing the crises in data processing Nolan,R.L.
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  61. Journal of Management Information Systems no.Spring An assessment of productivity and operations control as motives for office automation Paddock,C.E.
  62. American Sociological Review v.32 A framework for the comparative analysis of organizations Perrow
  63. MIS Quarterly v.7 no.3 The impact of information management on the organization: Two scenarios Powers,D.J.
  64. Accounting, Organizations & Society v.1 no.4 The influence of organizational and personal factors on the use of accounting information: An empirical study Rahman,M.;Mccosh,A.
  65. MIS Quarterly Organizational characteristics and MIS success in the context of small business Raymond,L.
  66. Journal of Management Information Systems v.6 no.4 Organization context and information systems success: A contingency approach Raymond,L.
  67. Academy of Management Journal v.22 no.3 User attitude and management information system use Robey,D.
  68. Systems, Objectives & Solutions v.4 MIS/DSS success measure Sanders,G.L.
  69. MIS Quarterly v.9 no.1 A field study of organizational factors influencing DSS success Sanders,G.L.;Courtney,J.F.
  70. Administrative Science Quarterly v.26 Problems with contingency theory: testing assumptions hidden within the language of contingency theory Schoonhoven
  71. Academy of Management Review An information task approach to organizaitonal communication Scott Poole
  72. Information & Management v.8 Assessing the organizational climate for OA implementation Snyder,C.;Ledbetter,W.;Cox,J.
  73. MIS Quarterly Job characteristics as indicants of CBIS data requirements Specht,P.H.
  74. MIS Quarterly v.12 no.1 The effect of user involvement on system success: A contingency approach Tait,P.;Vessey,I.
  75. Journal of Business The organization of EDP activities and computer use Vanlommel;Debrabander
  76. Administrative Science Quarterly v.19 A task contingent model of work unit structure Van de ven;Delbecq
  77. Journal of Systems Management v.28 no.9 Top management's computer role Willoughby;Pye
  78. Management Science v.25 no.10 Indivldual differences and MIS success Zmud,R.W.