홀로그래피 간섭계를 이용한 횡변위와 종변위의 동시 측정

Simultaneous measurement of in-plane and out-of-plane displacement using holographic interferometry

  • 김달우 (포항산업과학연구원 계측연구팀) ;
  • 임부빈 (포항공과대학 물리학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.08.01


서로 대칭되는 이중 조명을 이용한 홀로그래피 네파간섭계를 구성하여 횡변위와 종변위를 동시에 측정하였다. 물체파와 재생파의 간섭을 일으킨 후 위상이동법으로 변위위상도를 작성하였으며 최소제곱법맞춤으로 위상도의 잡음을 제거하였다. 이러한 방법으로 네파간섭계의 두 광로에 존재하는 위성의 차와 합에 대한 정보를 구하였으며, 파장 632.8 nm인 헬륨-네온 레이저 광선에 대하여 종변위와 횡변위는 각각 정밀도 .lambda./40 및 .lambda./100 이내로 측정되었다.

We set up a four-wave holographic interferometer using a symmetric dual-beam illumination which is to measure in-plane and out-of-plane displacement simultaneously. In order to acquire the displacement phase map we applied the phase-shifting method and removed the noise of the phase map with least-squares fitting. In this approach the access to information relative to both the difference and sum of phases existing in the two arms of four-wave holographic interferometer was allowed. As a result, in-plane and out-of-plane displacement was measured to the accuracy of λ/40 and λ/100, respectively at λ=632.8nm



  1. Appl. Opt. v.4 An application of wavefront reconstruction to interferometry M. H. Horman
  2. J. Opt. Soc. Am. v.55 Interferometric vibration analysis by wavefront reconstruction R. L. Powell;K. A. Stetson
  3. J. Opt. Soc. Am. v.55 Interferometric vibration analysis of three-dimensional objects by wavefront reconstruction R. L. Powell;K. A. Stetson
  4. J. Opt. Soc. Am. v.55 Interferometric hologram evaluation and real-time vibration analysis of diffuse objects K. A. Stetson;R. L. Powell
  5. Appl. Opt. v.13 Digial Wavefront Measuring Interferometer for Testing Optical Surfaces and Lenses J. H. Bruning;D. R. Herriott;J. E. Gallagher;D. P. Rosenfeldl;A. D. White;D. J. Brangaccio
  6. Appl. Opt. v.22 Real-time holographic interferometry : a microcomputer system for the measurement of vector displacements P. Hariharan;B. F. Oreb;N. Brown
  7. Appl. Opt. v.31 Phase-stepping holographic moire : simultaneous in-plane and out-of-plane displacement mesurement E. S. Simova;K. N. Stoev
  8. Appl. Opt. v.31 Phase shifting applied to four-wave holographic interferometers P. K. Rastogi
  9. J. Mod. Opt. v.39 Phase shifting applied to four-wave holographic interferometry P. K. Rastogi
  10. Appl. Opt. v.31 Visualization of in-plane displacement fileds by using phase-shifting holographic moire : application to crack detection and propagation P. K. Rastogi;E. Denarie
  11. Opt. Eng. v.32 Modification of the Carre phase-stepping method to suit four-wave holographic interferometry P. K. Rastogi
  12. Progress in optics XXVI Phase-measurement interferometry techniques K. Creath
  13. Appl. Opt. v.30 Linear approximatin for measurement errors in phase shifting interferometry J. Von Wingerden;H. J. Frankena;C. Smorenburg
  14. Appl. Opt. v.32 Temporal averaging of phase measurements in the presence of spurious phase drft : application to phase-stepped real-time holographic interferometry B. Ovryn;E. M. Haacke
  15. Appl. Opt. v.24 Phase shifter calibration in phase-shifting interferometry Y.-Y. Cheng;J. C. Wyant
  16. Appl. Opt. v.26 Effect of piezoelectric transducer nolinearity on phase shift interferometry C. Ai;J. C. Wyant
  17. Appl. Opt. v.27 Accuracy of phase shifting interferometry K. Kinnstaetter;A. W. Lohmann;J. Schwider;N. Streibl
  18. Appl. Opt. v.28 Phase shifting interferometry : reference phase error reduction J. Schwider
  19. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A v.9 Design and assessment of symmetrical phase-shifting algorithms K. G. Larkin;B. F. Oreb
  20. Sci. Technol. v.3 Phase step measurement and variable step algorithms in phase-shifting interferometry C. T. Farrell;M. A. Player
  21. Opt. Eng. v.32 Improved algorithm for the analysis of holographic interferograms J. A. Aparicio;J. L. Mopeceres;A. M. de Frutos;C. de Castro;S. Caceres;F. A. Frechoso
  22. Appl. Opt. v.33 Numerical correction of reference phases in phase-shifting interferometry fitting G. S. Han;S. W. Kim
  23. Opt. Eng. v.34 General algorithm of phase shifting interferometry by iterative least-squares fitting I. B. Kong;S. W. Kim
  24. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A v.7 Effect of intensity error correlation on the computed phase of phase-shifting interferometry C. P. Brophy
  25. Opt. Lett. v.19 Detection of undersampling from measured phase-shifting data J. Schwider
  26. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. v.11 Robust two dimensional weighted and unweghted phase unwarpping that uses fast transforms and iterative methods D. C. Ghiglia;L. A. Romero
  27. Opt. Lett. v.20 Least-squares fitting of the phase map obstained in phase shifting electronic speckle pattern interferometry C.K. Hong;H. S. Ryu;H. C. Lim
  28. Appl. Phys. Lett. v.7 Application of moir techniques to holography R. J. Collier;E. T. Doherty;K. S. Pennington
  29. Optical Holography P. Hariharan