Effect of Interrelationship between Blood Melatoni or Estrogen and Light Cycle on Performance of Korean Native Chicken

혈중 멜라토닌 혹은 에스트로겐과 광주기의 상호작용이 재래닭의 생산성에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 1997.06.01


An experiment was conducted to investigate the relationship between blood hormone levels and light cycle on performance of Korean native chicken. One hundred and two Korean native chickens were grouped into three treatments of natural light cycle (Control), 13L:11D (T2), and 16L:8D (T3). The egg production, egg weight, feed intake, serum melatonin and estrogen level were periodically measured from 22 to 34 weeks, respectively. The laying rates of T2 and T3 were significantly higher than that of the Control (P



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