- Automatic flight control systems D.McLean
- AFFDL-TR-74-116 Background information and user guide for MILF-9490
- AIAA paper Triplex digital Fly-By-Wire redundancy management techniques T.F.Weistermeier
- AIAA/IEEE 14th Digital Avionics System Conference 777 Flight control validation process H.Buss;R.McLees;M.Orgun;E.Pasztor;L.Schultz
- NAECON 91 v.2 Verkfication and validation fo F-15 S/MTD unique softwre F.L.Tuttle;R.L.Kisslinger
- Progress in Aerospace Sciences v.27 A Review of flight simulation techniques M.Baarspul
- Flight simulation S.M.Rolfe;K.J.Staples
- Aircraft flight controls design using output feedback v.15 no.1 B.L.Stevens;F.L.Lewis;F.Al-Sunni
- NAECON 88 v.2 Eigenstructure selection for longitudinal flying quality consideration D.Goddard
- Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics v.10 no.1 Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian with loop transfer recovery methodolgy for an unmanned aircraft D.B.Ridgely;S.Banda;T.McQuade;P.Lynch
- Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics v.15 no.4 X-29 H-infinity controller synthesis W.L.Rogers;D.J.Collins
- Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics v.19 no.1 Full envelope flight control system design using quantitative feedback theory O.R.Reynolds;M.Pachter;C.H.Houpis
- AIAA Paper no. 74-887, AIAA Mechanics & Control of Flight Conference Mamagement of analytical redundancy in digital flight controlsSystem for aircraft R.C.Montgomery;D.B.Price
- 한국 항공우주 학회지 v.24 no.2 Fault monitoring of aircraft actuation system Y.Nam;E.Lee
- 한국 항공우주 학회지 v.24 no.5 항공기 개념 및 기본 설계 과정에 관한 연구 - 한국형 초음속 훈련기 개발 경험을 중심으로 이재우;박민우
- Journal of Guidance and Control Handling qualities and pilot evaluation-1984 wright brothers lecture R.P.Harper;G.E.Cooper
- NASA Technical Memorandum 72860 Digital Fly-By-Wire flight control validation experience K.J.Szalai(et al.)