- 전자공학회지 v.17 no.3 인공 위성체의 자세제어 김병진;박동조
- 한국우주과학회지 (우리별 특집 논문집) v.13 no.2 우리별 1호의 자세제어 시스템 이현우;김병진;박동조
- Proc. of the 7th Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites Experimental multimission-satellites-KITSAT series I.P.Lee;D.K.Sung;S.D.Choi
- Proc. of the 16th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing Mission analysis for engineering test satellite, KITSAT-3 S.D.Park;S.Kim;D.K.Sung;S.D.Choi
- Proc. of the 9th Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites Mission Overview of Engineering Test Satellite, KITSAT-3 S.Kim;S.Park;D.K.Sung;S.D.Choi
- 한국우주과학회지 v.12 no.2 우리별 3호 Star Sensor 시험모델 개발 이현우;김병진;유상근;한원용
- Modern Spacecraft Dynamics & Control M.H.Kaplan
- Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics P.C.Hughes
- Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control J.R.Wertz
- 과학기술 실험용 소형 인공위성 개발 연구(Ⅱ) 제 2차년도 최종 보고서 KITSAT 자세 결정 및 제어 시스템 개발 박동조
- DCI 10/388 10 Launch system/spacecraft interface control file KITSAT-A Arianespace
- IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Control in Aerospace Three-axisrReaction wheel attitude control system for KITSAT-3 microsatellite B.J.Kim;H.Lee;S.D.Choi
- The Radio and Electronic Engineer v.52 no.8/9 Attitude control and dynamics of UOSAT angular motion M.S.Hodgart
- Journal of the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers v.57 no.5(Supplement) Attitude determination, control and stabilization of UoSAT-2 M.S.Hodgart;P.S.Wright
- Journal of Guidance v.8 Quaternion feedback for spacecraft large angle maneuvers B.Wie;P.M.Barba
- Journal of Guidance v.12 Quaternion feedback regulator for spacecraft eigenaxis rotations B.Wie;H.Weiss;A.Arapostathis
- IEEE/SAIEE Symposium on Small Satellites and Control Systems In-flight calibration of magnetometer by LMS algorithm for the Korean experimental micro satellite KITSAT-1&2 H.Lee;D.Park;S.D.Choi