An Efficient 2-D Conveolver Chip for Real-Time Image Processing

효율적인 실시간 영상처리용 2-D 컨볼루션 필터 칩

  • Published : 1997.10.01


This paper proposes a new real-time 2-D convolver filter architecture wihtout using any multiplier. To meet the massive amount of computations for real-time image processing, several commercial 2-D convolver chips have many multipliers occupying large VLSI area. Te proposed architecture using only one shift-and-accumulator can reduce the chip size by more than 70% of commercial 2-D convolver filter chips and can meet the real-time image processing srequirement, i.e., the standard of CCIR601. In addition, the proposed chip can be used for not only 2-D image processing but also 1-D signal processing and has bood scalability for higher speed applications. We have simulated the architecture by using VHDL models and have performed logic synthesis. We used the samsung SOG cell library (KG60K) and verified completely function and timing simulations. The implemented filter chip consists of only 3,893 gates, operates at 125 MHz and can meet the real-time image processing requirement, that is, 720*480 pixels per frame and 30 frames per second (10.4 mpixels/second).
