Remarks on volterra equations in Banach spaces

  • Kim, Mi-Hi (Department of Mathematics, Yonsei University)
  • Published : 1997.10.01


Existence and Uniqueness for Volterra equations (VE) with a weak regularity assumption on A, the relative closedness of A are investigaed by means of the Laplace transform theory. Also, (VE) are studied by means of the method of convoluted solution operator families.



  1. Monograph, in preparation. Laplace Transform and Evolution Equations W. Arendt;M. Hieber;F. Neubrander
  2. In G. Da Prato and Iannelli, editors, Volterra integrodifferential Equations in Banach spaces and Applications, Harlow, Essex, Longman Sci. Tech Integrated solutions of Volterra integrodifferential eqqations and applications W. Arendt;H. Kellermann
  3. Conferenze del Seminario di Matematica del' Universita di Bari v.259 Laplace transform methods for evolution equations B. Baumer;F. Neubrander
  4. Preprint. A preliminary version can be found in the 1993 LSU Seminar Notes in Functional Analysis and PEDs. Baton Rouge Relatively closed operators and linear evolution eqations B. Baumer;F. Neubrander
  5. Preprint. Regularization of evolution equations via Kernels K(t), K-evolution operators and convoluted semigroups, generatin theorems I. Cioranescu;G. Lumer
  6. Lect. Notes Math. Existence Families, Functional Calculus and Evolution Equations R. deLabenfels
  7. Applicable Analysis v.49 On representations, inversions, and approximationsof Laplace transforms in Banach spaces B. Hennig;F. Neubrander
  8. American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publications v.31 Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups E. Hille;R. S. Phillips
  9. Dissertation Abstract Volterra equations M. Kim
  10. In Ph. Clement and G. Lumer, editors, Proceedings of the '3rd International Workshop Conference on Evolution Equations, Control Theory, and Biomathematics', Han-sur-Lesse, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Math., Marcel Dekker v.155 The Lapace-Stieltjes transform in Banach spaces and abstract Cauchy problems F. Neubrander
  11. Preprint. Linear Volterra equations and integrated solution families H. Oka
  12. Birkhauser Verlag Evolutionary Integral Equations and Applications J. Pruss