Generalized thom conjecture for almost complex 4-manifolds

  • Cho, Yong-Seung (Department of Mathematics, Ewha Women's University, Seoul 120-750)
  • 발행 : 1997.08.01


Let X be a closed almost complex 4-manifold with $b_2^+(X) > 1$, and have its canonical line bundle as a basic class. Then the pseudo-holomorphic 2-dimensional submanifolds in X with nonnegative self-intersection minimize genus in their homology classes.



  1. Three lectures for the GARC Homotopy K3 surfaces and gluing results in SeibergWitten Theory, D. Auckly
  2. Osaka J. Math. v.34 SeibergWitten invariants on nonsymplectic 4manifolds Y. S. Cho
  3. Finite group actions on $Spin^c$ bundles(Preprint) Y. S. Cho
  4. Involutions on 4manifolds with finite fundamental group(Preprint) Y. S. Cho
  5. TheGeography of Simply connected symplectic manifolds(Preprint) M. S. Cho;Y. S. Cho
  6. Bull. of A. M. S. v.33 The Seiberg Witten equations and 4-manifold Topology S. Donaldson
  7. Problems in Lowdimensional Topology R. Kirby
  8. Math. Res. Lett. v.1 The genus of embedded surfaces in the projective plane P. Kronheimer;T. Mrowka
  9. Introduction to symplectic topology D. Mcduff;D. Salamon
  10. A product formula for the SeibergWitten invariants and the generalized Thom Conjecture(Preprint ) J. Morgan;Z. Szabo;C. Taubes
  11. Math. Res. Lett. v.1 The SeibergWitten invariants and Symplectic forms C. Taubes
  12. Math. Res. Lett. v.1 The SeibergWitten invariants and Gromov invariants C. Taubes
  13. From the SeibergWitten equations to Pseudoholomorphic curves(Preprint) C. Taubes
  14. Math. Res. Lett. v.1 Monoples and 4-manifolds E. Witten