영아/걸음마기 아동 환경 평정 척도 타당화 연구(I)

A validation study for the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale(I)

  • 현온강 (인하대학교 소비자·아동학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


This study was aimed to validate the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating scale (ITERS). The rating scale was translated and adjusted appropriately by two researchers majoring child studies. An item-by-item comparison of the ITERS with criteria of NAEYC was conducted as the measure of content validity. 88% of the items of the ITERS was covered on the NAEYC criteria. Criterion validity was assessed by comparing ITERS scores and the Assessment Profile for early childhood Programs scores. The total correlation of two scores was .87. The sample for the inetrater reliability and internal consistency studies included 30 infant/toddler classes in 30 day care center in Inchon city. Two observers independently rated each class on the ITERS during a single visit. The Spearman's correlation coefficient for interater reliability on the overall scale was .74. For the measure of internal consistency, the Cronbach's Alpha score on the overall scale was .93. The rating results show that national/public child care centers have better quality in Adult Needs and Learning Activities subscales than private child care centers have.
