노년여성의 브래지어 구매의사결정 관련행동에 관한 연구

A Study on the Behavior Related to Brassieres Purchasing Decision Making of Elderly Women

  • 박은미 (숙명여자대학교 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.04.01


This research is intended for 418 elderly women who reside in Seoul and the National Capital region. the survey and analysis are on the practical behavior related to purchasing decision making of brassieres for elderly women. The purpose of the survey and analysis is to induce contented and rational purchase activity for elderly women; also, to supply the fundamental sources which can support accomplishing scientific and systematic marketing activity to foundation manufacturing business. The main results of this study are as follows; 1. The elderly women tend to decide on purchase of the brassiere subjectively alone than rely on the informants and to listen to sales women's advice more. The younger, more educated and higher income of family, the elderly women tend more to depend on their own subjective sense than others' recommendations and rely on such mass media as TV and magazines for information source. 2) The elderly women tend to purchase their brassieres personally. In particular, the younger, more educated and higher income they tend more to choose their brassieres alone rather than with others. 3) The companions for elderly women's purchase were their daughter, daughter-in-law and friends. The younger, more educated and higher income, they tend more to accompany friends. The older, less educated and lower income, they tend more to be accompanied by their daughter or daughter-in-lay. 4) The elderly women are aware of the trademarks for brassieres. Although most of them know about their brassiere size, the majority of them tend to purchase their brassieres without trying on them. the older, less educated and lower income, they are less aware of trademarks and their brassiere size, and thus are less influential in their purchasing decision making. 5) The places of purchasing on which elderly women rely most for their brassiere are department stores, agent and markets. Other places are private haberdashery's, discount and pension shop. The department stores are most used by the less younger, more educated and higher income, while the markets are most often visited by those older, less educated and lower income, while the markets are most often visited by those older, less educated and lower income. The agent are favored by the medium class old people between two extremes.
