고려인삼과 미국삼의 종간 잡종식물체 불화합성에 관한 연구

Studies on Incompatibility in Interspecific Hybrid Between Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer and Panax quinquefolium L.

  • 발행 : 1997.08.01


This study was carried out to clarify the cause of incompatibility in interspecific hybrid plant between Panax ginseng and p. quinquefolium. The floral structure of F,(p.g. x p.q.) hybrid was normal because the redundant anther was 0.2 mm longer than pistil in Fl hybrid and the size and structure of redundant carpel in F, hybrid were similar to P. ginseng and p. quiquefolium Pollens of $F_1$ hybrid did not germinate on stigma of P-quinquefolium but germinated well on stigma of P. ginseng. Pollen tube was able to penetrate styles completely and seed harvest rate was 16.8% in field. However on stigma of $F_1$ hybrid, Pollen did not germinate when P. ginseng was used as male Parent. In addition, the growth of pollen tube was halted on style and seed was not set when P qlfinquefoEi2a was used as male Parent. These suggest that the inhibitor of pollen germination present on stigma caused $F_1$ hybrid sterility. It took 5 hours for pollen grains to germinate, 12 hours to arrive at in trance of ovule, 16 hours to penetrate micropyles in Panax ginseng.
