인공생명의 개요

  • 발행 : 1997.03.01




  1. Information and Control v.9 Simple self-reproducing universal automata M.A. Arbib
  2. Science v.257 Directed evolution of an RNA enzyme A.A. Beaudry;G.F. Joyce
  3. Vehicles-Experiments in Synthetic Psychology V. Braitenberg
  4. Advanced Neural Computers Network based autonomous robot motor control : From hormones to learning R.A. Brooks;P.A. Viola;R. Eckmiller(ed.)
  5. Artificial Intelligence v.47 Intelligence without representation R.A. Brooks
  6. Automata : A Histrorical and Technological Study A. Chapuis;E. Droz
  7. Handbook of Genetic Algorithms L. Davis
  8. The Selfish Gene R. Dawkins
  9. In Langton 「18」 The evolution of evolvability R. Dawkins
  10. Artificial Embryos Genetic Programming GenNets H. de Garis
  11. On the Matter of the Mind G.M. Edelman;Bright Air;Brilliant Fire
  12. In Langton(et al.) Artificial life : The comming evolution J.D. Farmer;A.A. Belin
  13. Emergent Computation S. Forrest(ed.)
  14. Art Forms of Nature E. Haeckel
  15. Scientific American Directed modecular evolution G. Joyce
  16. Self-modifying Systems in Biology and Cognitive Science G. Kampis
  17. Genetic Programming : On the Programming of Computers by means of Natural Selection J.R. Koza
  18. Artificial Life C.G. Langton(ed.)
  19. In Langton 「18」 Artificial life C.G. Langton
  20. Artificial Life II C.G. Langton;C. Taylor;J.D. Farmer;S. Ramussen(ed.)
  21. Autopoiesis and Cognition : The Realization of the Living H.R. Maturana;F.J. Varela
  22. In Langton 「18」 Human culture : A genetic takeover underway H. Moravec
  23. The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants P. Prusinkiewicz;A. Lindenmayer
  24. In Langton(et al.) 「20」 An approach to the synthesis of life T.S. Ray
  25. Life Itself--A Comprehensive Inquire into the Nature, Origin, and Fabrication of Life R. Rosen
  26. Computer Graphics v.25 no.4 Artificial evolution for computer graphics K. Sims
  27. Evolutionary Art and Computers S. Todd;W. Latham
  28. Theory and Application of Cellular Automata S. Wolframe(ed.)
  29. Autopoiesis : A Theory of Living Organization M. Zeleny(ed.)